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Felon spam

13 posts, 1423 views
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6 years ago
how to beat?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
1) tank the damage, like with dirtbag spam. when depleted, they do not shot. you can kill them with anything afterwards, like any raider in high enough numbers.

2) get arti to rip them off. sniper, penetrator, firewalker,...

3) get cloaker, then get roaches under cloak close enough to boom them into oblivion

4) get enough hp, then steamroll them (like reapers, ravagerball, or even a group of thugs will do)
+2 / -0

6 years ago
Moji is right, all those tactics can defeat Felon. The key to beating Felon is to remember that whilethey do a lot of damage fast, they deplete shield energy to fire. Therefore any really tough unit is going to seriously run down their batteries. Things like Halberds set to "hold fire" followed by scorcher rush can sort out shieldballs if timed properly.

As a shields lover, the three things that scare me the most with shields are crawling bombs like snitch, emp effects like Thunderbird (which completely shut down a ball) and finally, Razors set forward of units or defensive lines. Razors are so tough that they drain my shield juice to a point that have to retreat and recharge after killing them. A properly timed counterattack and voila! Felon-ball gone.
+1 / -0
Adding to strategies: build tanky buildings with holding fire (Gauss, Razor) on the front or turned off Solars to help with depletion. Best unit to tank dmg are Halberds on hold fire (best hp for price). Other than that Jugglenaut works great thanks to gravity gun ignoring shields and its hp pool, but any massed assault will do.

Also great option is to get a Thunderbird (distract with some other units during bombing so it's not instantly picked off given enough Felons). From air options, Nimbus or Likhos are also a solution (until there's a lot of anti air).

I wouldn't recommend Firewalker though as DErankAdminmojjj suggested - its shield depleting capabilities are really poor. It could only serve as a deterrent. Penetrators work well with safety of artillery, but their DPS is rather low and they loose in arms race of building more shields (Aegis) and building more Penetrators (provided that the Shields player isn't just idle and they trade units in battles).

Still my favourite option are suicide bombers - Roaches planted here and there, not necessarily cloaked. If you are desperate go for Skuttle, but it's not recommended as its explosion radius is pitiful and decloak radius is large enough that they get decloaked before they can do any damage, sadly - very hard to use.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
The important thing is that you're decisive. All of the above applies, but you can't half-arse it. If you fight felon without enough to kill it, you basically feed it and lose the entire war from the first battle (as they will eat your reclaim while your force is weaker than before).

So whichever one of the many way to kill felons you choose, you must commit as hard as is reasonable.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
A much easier method that seems to have been omitted is to spam recluse.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
or rogue
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Kamehameha them with a Lance!
+2 / -0
6 years ago
but that would take u 2 episodes :l
+6 / -0

6 years ago
the 500something range skirmishers have much higher dps/cost so they're more reliable counters to shield balls.


merlin : 0.08
emissary : 0.12
lance : 0.15
firewalker : 0.08 (assuming fire deals no extra damage to shields)
sling : 0.19
recluse : 0.36
rogue : 0.42
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Wesley is optimistic as always...
+2 / -0
6 years ago
Or, if terrain allows, dig a ditch/make a wall. You don't need all that much slope to block their path and force them into a killzone that can handle them.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Felon is relatively slow and dependant on other shield units, so the best course of action is to go around and kill eco/catch reinforcements/basetrade.
+0 / -0