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Is AFK the new meta in clusterfucks?

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6 years ago
consider doing something to the constant afk-spam in clusterfucks. and i don not want to hear that everybody is completely free to do what they like. if you have problems to stay in front of your pc for some time don´t start team-games. easy as that. i am tired of a minority of players ruining games for everyone else and the problems being ignored.
+8 / -0

6 years ago
bring nightwatch back with its auto spec afk mechanic,cause in cluster fucks everyone spams the poll votes so you never will be able to start a spec vote,cause every noob alive spams the start button
+6 / -0
There are a number of cluster mechanics needed but i think they are neglected on purpose.

Suggest for game over 6v6:
- No !start before 1min of previous completed game.
- reintroduce !boss - the original room creator is often long gone.
- !map <map> only once per person per interim.
- your vote can only be changed 3 times (!y, !n, i mean !y). else void and not printed
- AFK (!spec) is universal without vote.

I think anyone who plays clusters would struggle to disagree with these.
+12 / -0
6 years ago
It would actually be really good if there was a system to create multiple team games managed by a mod or a bot. 12v12 and stuff is just silly imo would be nice to have the option of medium size games as well.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
Theres a lot of people that enjoy 12 vs 12 and even 16 vs 16, if you want to play medium sized games you can create your own rooms with your own rules.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
Afkers must be removed from game and they must got ban. There is no excuses to be afk. Need system like Dota2 - 5 min afk and got abondon.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Ah Thrankos, always there to claim "everything is absolutely fine" instead of proposing sensible changes while watching the games average player numbers drop by 60% in a month.
+0 / -1
6 years ago
I dont even know how people can argue against the following:

One small team game room (up to 6 players)
One medium team game room (up to 12 players)
One large team game room (unlimited players)

If a room gets full, make a second version. That way people can play whatever size of game they want and it would be obvious to newer players what to join ("Lobster cooking club" isnt a very intuitive title).
+2 / -0

6 years ago
Well GBrankehtomlol, i was answering to your dumb statement "12v12 and stuff is just silly imo would be nice to have the option of medium size games as well."

On the other hand, i didn't propose any solution because i agree with what 4hundred posted, reason why i upvoted it.

+0 / -0

6 years ago
!maxplayers 9001
+1 / -0
6 years ago
auto !spec on game start!!11eins!!1eins!!elf!
+3 / -0

6 years ago
Good thread.

I agree with pretty much everything.

Could we not have a permanent 4v4 or 5v5 room?

While I enjoy the big games, sometimes it feels that one's best efforts are in vain because of the sheer amount of stuff happening. Would be nice to have the option of a medium game from time to time.
+1 / -1

6 years ago
any devs here?
+1 / -0

6 years ago

- No !start before 1min of previous completed game.
- AFK (!spec) is universal without vote

often i'm waiting for a game to end, then go to the bathroom or go get some food or something and the next one starts before I come back.

not sure if 1 min is enough.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Server/rooms changes practically require CZrankAdminLicho to have some free time to be implemented and he has been quite busy for some time so you'll probably have to wait until he comes back and finishes more important tasks.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
the old launcher had all these features,it even had working metal maps and a bunch of other command lines.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
the old launcher had all these features,it even had working metal maps and a bunch of other command lines.

many gd features were removed without reason... auto spec for example
thats not how reverse engineering works!
+2 / -0
Develobsters failed. Once again...
+3 / -0
just to remember we indicated this a bit earlier already: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/24096 (and here http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/23918 )
but this forum is redundant
+2 / -0
well it´s because we are just the core of the playerbase. not the uncountable hordes of steam-players that carry this game.
we are redundant.
+2 / -0
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