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Funnelweb needs buff

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I know there was once a time where funnelweb was just opop but now it is just the worst strider.
Right now: draining -12e/s for shield, slow rebuild rate and easy to counter
(i mean wtf 1k aa beats 5 funnelwebs -> 22k e.g. 1 thresher + 2 Razor)
Funnelweb needs either d-gun (gravity throw) or weapon back or something else to balance it.
Maybe we need a drone rework or maybe somebody of you knows a better way to balance it, but right now it is a waste of metal.
+5 / -0
btw i dont mean only 1k aa is needed but aa usually isnt alone in the battlefield,
most units can shoot the drones and help tanking dmg for aa to finish them, resulting in a 0 loss situtation.
Funnelweb only gets really strong when there is a overwhelming metal advantage,
but at that time you should be able to crush the frontline with basicly any unit.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Cut its price by 5K and call it a day.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
At 1500 metal, it would make a valuable support shield / AA fake target generator on the front line supporting things like Catapults against small raiders, and could be part of a shieldball.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
It either needs 4 drone rebuild spots with no delay between drone death and rebuilding, or be given 2 shields again with same E/s cost as now.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
The current funnelweb is a bad design, and if it was powerful as a unit, it would make ZK a worse game.
+5 / -0
6 years ago
Maybe rework funnelweb into old gauss + gravity gun strider without drones?
+4 / -0
Did I say 5K? I meant 500 Metal.

If a redesign was done, I would replace the drones with an big outlaw disrupter.
+0 / -0
Do we want to have a land-based drone carrier unit? Currently the only unit that uses drones is Reef (and coms).
SupCom had the mobile factory with a shield:

Here's more examples, we have most of these functions covered in ZK in one way or another:
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Why don´t we just take it out of the game?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I'm for making the Funnelweb a giant shielded Outlaw, would give a good function in the game.
+5 / -0

6 years ago
just give its little machine guns back
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Did it ever had MGs? Only guns I recall funnel web having are 2 gauss guns back when it was actually a viable unit to use.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
It used to have a big version of the glaive gun. Was pretty useless though.

Just limiting the range of drones would reduce the cancer of this unit to manageable levels, and if could be buffed up.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I liked the little mgs on the front, it wsnt usless, it was like 2 glaive guns but better. would give them back a little bit of something.
+0 / -0
Oh wait I remember now, yeah it had a pathetic low range, slow bullet travel time and atrocious cone of fire, it had this weapon after the Gauss as a nerf before it got completely removed and the 2nd shield got removed too.

To the buff topic either do the following:

1 Decrease price to 3000, don't touch stats.

2 Return the twin shield design and improve the drone reconstruction, more slots and lower cooldown between drone death and rebuilding.

3 Give it a strong Outlaw-like weapon as a form of non-drone attack/self-defense, nerf drones if this design turns out to be too OP(it really shouldn't).
Stats could go something like this
Damage: 100
Slow Damage: 300
Reload time (s): 1.0
Damage per second: 100+300
Range (elmo): 350 (shield area size)
Area of Effect (elmo): 100 (2.75 smaller than Outlaw)
Projectile Speed (elmo/s): 500 (Twice the Outlaw, to give weight to the pulse due to size difference)

Though even this seems like only a stop-gap measure as it only prevents scythe/raider rushes working against it, but I don't think that's a problem since any non-light AA will literally shred it in open ground.
This is however where Funnelweb being a spider comes in handy since it's pulse weapon works through walls and makes it actually viable to use on hill/mountain maps and is prevented from being a too OP unit by the presence of it's shield making it unable to cloak and highly visible.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Slow damage doesn't tend to make for fun interaction.
+2 / -0
I had a funny idea once, to give it reverse outlaw gun - slowly buffing ally units by up to 25% speed (performance) within its shield radius.

Maybe 25% is op, make it 15%. Would have fun interactions with things like big berthas or lances or catapults ^^

Maybe also add radar jammer inside its radius to prevent AA depleting shields shooting at radar dots.
+1 / -0
Maybe 25% is op, make it 15%. Would have fun interactions with things like big berthas or lances or catapults ^^

fun interactions

Here's what you will do with those things. Once you have six singus, instead of building a seventh, you build a funnelweb to multiply the others' output by 1.15. Then you start adding singus and funnelwebs. Good job, you've implemented ReactorIdle in ZK.

Oh, also while at it, you use it accelerate nuke stockpile speed.
+5 / -0

Here's what you will do with those things. Once you have six singus, instead of building a seventh, you build a funnelweb to multiply the others' output by 1.15.

First world problems... I have 6 signus, do I build 7th or a funnelweb... hmmm. Also does slow dmg slow energy production of buildings? TIL!


Oh, also while at it, you use it accelerate nuke stockpile speed.

Yeah! why not? Imagine it with zenith :)
+2 / -0
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