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Zero-K v1.6.7.3 - Fixes

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6 years ago

Recent work has been mostly focused on fixes, the most important one being the mex stacking bug that would allow players to extract infinite income from a single metal spot. We've nevertheless managed to introduce some minor features as well.


  • Resource bars: flow can now be represented as a number instead of as >>> arrows. Space+click the resource bar to configure ("Flow as arrows" checkbox).
  • Chicken: Custom now has two more options: queen health multipler and vave size multiplier
  • There's now an option to enable the campaign commander chassis in games, look under the Start tab
  • Mex spot income text now keeps upright when rotating the camera
  • Kudos skins for donators no longer require account level 10 to use
  • Added new sound for tacnuke launches by Apelsinsaft
  • The teams matchmaker now guarantees a minimum win chance for each team. This should make it a little more lenient towards parties.
  • !predict now shows teams and win chances in team games before they start
  • Matchmaker battles now have more descriptive titles


  • Fixed stacked mexes receiving income
  • Fixed fall damage being much less than intended (on flat ground, the vertical component was ignored)
  • Fixed various shader compilation errors
  • Fixed control groups being affected by selection priority
  • Fixed Iris not waiting for stragglers guarding it after loading the game
  • Fixed wreckage becoming unresurrectable after game load
  • Fixed morph message inconsistency (now says X -> Y, previously said just X for commanders and Y for everything else)
  • Fixed wrong burst damage shown for selected Blitz
  • Fixed a comsharing (squad) error if bot owner drops before the game starts
  • Fixed an error when sharing a +0 mex to an ally
  • Fixed movement errors that occurred in extremely long (2h+) games
  • Fixed an error if the chicken queen tries to land/takeoff after game over
  • Fixed some errors for floaters being picked up by transports
  • Fixed missing lights for Raven and Impaler weapons
  • Fixed units not being as accurate as they should at lower veterancy levels
  • Fixed an exploit where a spec could force-resign the players on team 0
  • Fixed the entire squad being resigned if one member resigned
  • Fixed team names for Frozen Planet v3
  • Fixed website issues with commander morph configuration
  • Fixed FFA win chance predictions
  • Sped up balance algorithm
+12 / -0

6 years ago
Awsum! Which units were not accurate enough?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
all of them
+3 / -0

6 years ago
Cannot find the option to use campaign commander in games. I checked advanced options under start tab but it is not there.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Fixed, should appear next restart.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
The flow arrow replacment isn't working
i left clicked+ SPACE on the bar and nothing has changed
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Try space-clicking the panel the resourcebar is on. If that also doesn't work then use the options menu (F10 / Settings / HUD Panels / Economy Panel / Flow as arrows)
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Ill try this way, the other one isn't working :/
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Still cannot find the option for campaign commander. Is it the start tab from advanced menu?

Also .. did easy AI always rush Likho bombers? I played a game against multiple easy opponents and one of them rushed Likhos .... not really the actions of an easy AI lol.

Game is still the best. I cannot even play another RTS that does have the controls of this - i am so used to drawing lines of units.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Still cannot find the option for campaign commander. Is it the start tab from advanced menu?
The lobby update hasn't been deployed yet for some reason. You'll see an update on steam once we get it deployed.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Im looking at it:
My game hasn't been updated last days, how can i see the day of the last update on a game on steam ?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Mex spot income text now keeps upright when rotating the camera

YAY! I realize this is kindof a small thing, but I've wanted this feature forever.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
It's there now:
+1 / -0