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6 years ago
I think i gonna leave this game as well, maybe for some time, maybe forever. What once was the most important thing in my life bacame a neverending source of frustration in many ways and i feel it´s not worth it. I think I wasn´t the most enjoyable teammate in the last time, so sorry to all I might have annoyed. Was a nice time in general, and there are soooo many people i will remember positively.
See you!
+4 / -3

6 years ago
See you next week :)
+15 / -1

6 years ago
+5 / -0

6 years ago
ok good night, see you in the morning
+2 / -0

6 years ago
Damn, well that's a pity.

I've always thought that you were a very solid player and whenever I look around to look at who is to my flanks and behind me and I see Katastrophe I think to myself "well one less problem to worry about".

I lose to high level players all the time and don't let it get to me. Looking over replays its often small things that have a large effect on the way a game goes. I think to myself "I can fix that" and often do.

I have no idea how your games went but sometimes you just get rolled. In PW I often had the scenario of high level guys cough*psaniac*cough rushing a bunch of units with their team mates and rolling down on just one player. Sometimes it was me, and there's f-all you can do about it.

Hope to see you around again.
+2 / -0
6 years ago
Bye :'(
+0 / -0
6 years ago
just come play vs ai with me.. you always have friends here
+2 / -0

6 years ago
:| why?

This is saddening.
+0 / -0
I guess we will still meet on mumble, as we did so many times.
And i hope that one day, we will again have as much fun together when fighting hard, even tho we know the game is loost.

I will not kick you from the clan, your a full member of our bunch. So if one day you descide to come back, we will be there!

If none is the case, then my friend, this is the time to say farewell!
I wish you the best of luck for your upcomming challanges. I dont need to enlist any of them, you know what i mean. ;)
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Still no Katastrophe? :(
+2 / -0
6 years ago
Sadde :[
+0 / -0

6 years ago
there's DErankoverdestructor666 if you're willing to settle for such
+4 / -0

6 years ago
I was right!
+2 / -0
6 years ago
you were and weren´t in a way.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
the fact that communities like BA TA OTA ect all died from players leaving makes me wish we could identify the issues at hand here and fix what we can so that we can retain our older players.. someone obviously pushed this man to his limits.. only a matter of time before we loose another..
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Maybe the cancer lobsterpots being the only thing played drives people away?
It may not seem like it though, because only people who can tolerate it stay around.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
He couldn't play without me cuz i was that one who all times in team speak all time cry about this game and lubsters around. Without me he got depression. XD
+1 / -0
i will quote myself:

"constant balance-changes/renames that not make anything substantially better and cause as many problems as they solve
are a disease driving DErankkatastrophe away."

aaand i will quote one of the smartest, best looking and most respected players, no, persons in this game ( PLrankOrfelius ):
"you can call me if you get your tanks under control, thanks".
+0 / -0

6 years ago
"constant balance-changes/renames that not make anything substantially better and cause as many problems as they solve
are a disease driving DErankkatastrophe away."

Renames: when did the last rename happen, hmm?
Balance: If the changes create exactly as many issues as they solve, the level of balance is constant.

If any of these mechanisms are causal in people like DErankkatastrophe ragequitting, they would have done it sooner.

"you can call me if you get your tanks under control, thanks".

Last stable?
+0 / -1
6 years ago
i think i heard once about a doctor who got fired because he would always tell sick patients they had no reason to complain because medicine would take care of them as best it could.. when he asked why the hospital had fired him they explained that letting people complain made them feel allot better and allowed doctors to show they cared.. having something to blame and someone to side with them..

if you refute everything he has noted as reason for leaving it may not make him stay.. it may further a distance between him and feeling understood..

if you really want to hold the community together then dont try to expose it as misinformed.. listen to its rage and offer it some kind of empathy..

for example..

im sure there is some truth to what you both say.. its been a while since renames.. but renames was a unpleasant experience and i can agree that it upset me also. fingers crossed it wont need (done for legal reasons?) to be done again

balance is not easy to be fair.. almost any game that does not have scissor paper rock balance will have issues here..
allowing people to voice the changes they would like can mitigate peoples rage and should be seriously considered because it may be a useful change that gets suggested.

if i had to guess this guy was at some point ignored.. put on the other side of a care fence.. and now full of rage with no-place to go.. he should be offered some moral high ground to rejoin us.. after all we are a family

i know there is truth in what you both say
i want to support a reconciliation .. this standoff is ugly .. losing players is not good .. balance is ceaselessly a cause of conflict.. people in these communities can be real ego proud and love to push the idea of salt and it gets bitchy..

fighting in forums is a mini-game?
+3 / -0
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