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Balance Council(or)

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6 years ago
I nominate Firepluk and AUrank4hundred , since they have played this game the longest and know the ins and outs of obscure units the best

That way develobsters can hand off some responsibilities and focus on their core business
+0 / -0
6 years ago
omg firepluck? he will choose the fun options.. he will make troll coms so op
+0 / -0
i nominate raar anarchid 4hundred firepluk and deinlobster
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I nominate these people
+4 / -1

6 years ago
I do think we should eventually commit to a community committee, but setting that up and maintaining it will need some active devs. Right now I just don't think there's anyone who'd have the commitment to pull this through.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Make a script that puts random modifiers on 50 values and run it every week
+1 / -0

6 years ago
I nominate CZrankPutin and USrankTrump.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
commit to a community committee

A commendable approach to this commotion.
+5 / -0

6 years ago
I'm not sure if this is serious, but if it is, consider carefully the experience of the Eve Online Council of Stellar Management which I think is the most prominent example of player committees in action in online games.

Needless to say, even in a small community you'd be opening a major political can of worms (and at least one dev will need to be able to regularly commit to meeting the council and responding to (if not accepting) their advice. The PR of a formal system for player participation in the direction of the game, even if they can't code a damn may be beneficial though.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
isnt 4hundred wrong about everything tho ?
+0 / -2

6 years ago
might be getting him confused with the other guy im too lazy to look up stuff
+3 / -0

6 years ago
consider carefully the experience of the Eve Online Council of Stellar Management

I have read an excerpt from their FAQ:
 (...) answers are found and returned to the CSM during the CSM-CCP meetings online and in Iceland 

This idea sucks! I don't wanna go to Iceland.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
The politics on that would be horrendous, it'd be a terrible idea.
If you were to get a council you'd need people on it who:
* Have a good understanding of the game as played at all levels of play (from RTS newcomer to CHrankAdminDeinFreund) and with all styles of game (1v1, 2v2, FFA, AllvChickens, 16v16, etc).
* Has a big chunk of free time.
* Who cares about those at various skill levels and can effectively demonstrate empathy and that they are valuing and considering the opinions of others.

That's a damn hard combination to find.
+1 / -0
GBrankdyth68 I think that's exactly the advantage of a council. You could choose representatives of every part of the population and let them discuss/vote on balance changes. This should guarantee that they can work out appropriate changes for every kind of player. You'd definitely be able to find people who are better suited to represent the playerbase than the developers.

The problem is that you still need a responsible person to organize all of this, make sure everyone plays by the rules and nobody feels left out. As well as a developer that will actually implement the proposed changes in a timely fashion and organize testing possibilities before releases. This sounds like a full-time job to me..
+1 / -0
6 years ago
I think my "Adjust numbers at random" idea is the most fair, no-one is going to be overlooked
+3 / -0
6 years ago
Here's my version of adjusting numbers: For every 2 months, I would calculate for all units u and games i

suggested relative cost change of unit u = average over games i (average over players j weighted with exp(whr(j))/number_of_players_in_team_of_player(j) 
((game_result(j) - win_probability(j)) * metal percentage invested in u),

where game_result(j) = 1 if j won, 0 if j lost and win_probability(j) is j's win probability predicted by whr. I would check the results and use them as a starting point for a discussion. I would only apply the resulting absolute unit cost changes maybe multiplied by some factor and rounded to seemingly round numbers if they seem to make sense.

I think, thereby, we would find that mexes are hilariously op.

I would still leave the possibility for everybody to discuss about further changes openly on the forum.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
metal extractors probably amount to a tiny percentage of metal spent, unless on unusual situations with lots of naked expansion that gets repeatedly raided.

people already write their opinions on this forum. It's open to everyone and threads about balance aren't generally spammed due to the small community and smaller number of people who actually bother to comment. Not sure how selecting a few people to form a council will somehow produce better results.

I blame the "lead" devs, the ones who have the final say on what gets changed and how. They are ultimately responsible by taking too long to change things or not doing it properly.

+0 / -0
6 years ago
it would be smart to ask the devs if they are interessted in such a council first.
Atm i consider this as doomed to fail...

Oh and another improtant thing, if you rly want to do this, forget about the idea that every part of the "population" should have the right to be part of the descision-making-group. In RL you also wouldn't ask the last nobody if he thinks that this law is a good idea.... There are way to many good examples where this lead to total chaos...
+0 / -0

6 years ago
id opt out, i don't obsess over the numbers enough.
+0 / -0
Elect SHA-man for lead balance councilor.

Make ZK Fun again.

Let's go wubbernauts. Vote yes.
Bring back blastwing shotgun and useful funnels! Nerf claymore, hit kodachi with a nerf hammer and get rid of emissary!
Make commanders useful once more.
Make sea tolerable!
+6 / -0
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