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Making Mechs interesting

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Mechs need to be interesting. They are boring. They...

#1 Need roles. This doesn't have to be riot/raider/assault, they just need things/units they are good at, and things units/they are bad at.

#2 Need activable special abilities.

Lets go through the units 1 by 1.


Sort of works but I don't like the cloak. It should be about dealing lots of forward damage but capable of being out-manouvered (pop goes the weasel style). The tail stun should be to allow it to re-position its forward guns (It's non-activable DPS is probably too high?). Seriously needs as small a turn in place angle as possible, because its accel is fine and you need to be able to explicitly set it's heading.

The missile salvo doesn't really feel like a 'decision' here because it basically has the same DPS, and even if it has a higher alpha-strike it is kinda buggy and misses a lot. Gear it towards riot. Make its activable just spew missiles in every direction (mostly for visual effect) that explode into a Firewalker style napalm ball focused on the Dante. Can be used to cover its retreat (for repairs etc) or as a point-blank Krow-style nuke attack.

Give it sustained fire over time by default. Give it a Salvo mode that shoots a lot of rockets that spread over a larger area but have a higher total DPS than the salvo. Cons: The activable weapon cannot be used to snipe things, which is mostly how you use activables.

Gear it towards anti-heavy (IE, can be swarmed slightly easier). Make the rockets activable salvo only, EMP. Fires 6 catapault-like EMP rockets (new model has 6). For EMP'ing single static or stationary targets, tight groups, raping shields. Lower the DPS and rate of fire on the hand weapons, so it is worse vs raiders.

Anti-unit. Give it heatrays? Give it an activable that picks up everything around it (including buildings) and flings them at the targeted area. Can be used to launch your units, ofc (probably mostly jumpers).

I like the Gauss. Not a big fan of the ear-lasers or the rockets. Can probably afford to just be a beast, but can we make it cooler.

Argue with my premise, argue with my proposals, or propose your own batshit solutions here. Even if there are cool activable abilities that don't fit any current unit, mechs should be the most interesting and weird stuff in the game IMO.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
catapult needs to be better at what it does

I think the stealth is what makes the scorpion cool!

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Jugglenaut should have a long range jump ability and heatrays.

Catapult should get tremor style sustained fire

Scorpion cloak is fine
+0 / -0

12 years ago
sustained fire is boring.. the huge burst fire is what makes the catapult interesting. What makes it sucky is atm that barrage does fairly trivial damage to units within that area and even misses some - it's certainly not enough to sweep away porc.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Without turning the cata into "just a better artillery", you could make it work slightly differently.

Keep its DPS and rough inaccuracy, but drastically increase it's shot velocity. To the point where if it launches against its max range, it hits within about 2 seconds. Give its rockets nice contrails and make them more straight and less wandering (but have a muzzle inaccuracy so it works out the same)

Basically, the Catapult now becomes a threat weapon. DPS is not great like other artillery units, but it can be used for emergency counter artillery.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
jseah's idea sounds awesome.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Are the mech models big enough?

SupCom Experimentals are pretty much over-the-top. The biggest ZK mechs are only kinda-near-the-top, at best. Impressive, yes, but not OMG WTF IS THAT impressive.

Bigger is better, right?
+0 / -0
I played tech annihilation a lot and yes it was fun to spam bigger and bigger things (bigest thing was like ~10 detriminents), but zk is just diferent there is no metal for such big things and if they would cost less it would be silly.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
scorp needs moar lazor power
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Did some modifications to armraven (Catapult) in my local copy to see.

flightTime 8 -> 2
weaponAcceleration 100 -> 400
weaponVelocity 250 -> 800

It looks pretty good when you do this. Feels more powerful too, but not sure about that.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Jseah violates sacred quantum rule of ZK:
nerf weakness, buff strength..
(otherwise all units gravitate towards boring average over time)..

Imo super units dont have to have roles. They just need cool looking weapons. Multiple weapon systems etc. I will build them just for lulz if they look cool.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
That is lovely Licho I promise we will try and make them cool, and the rest of us can all worry about ensuring they actually have a legitimate place in the game, unlike units like the Jugglenaut.

I don't think that just increasing its weapon velocity is going to be enough to make the cata interesting. Probably needs to lose HP too (maybe half).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Licho's idea for the juggernaut is where the fun is at.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Wolas - I'm not saying they should be any tougher or stronger or more expensive... just a whole lot taller. :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yes, most the mech models are too small.

the grizzly model is much too big.

the goliath and crabbe could be bigger.

the felon, sam site, rogue and a bunch of units could be smaller.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I like the idea for a sustained-fire Catapult. However, I think the salvo-mode should deal the same DPS (i.e. the damage of each rocket is the same and its reload time is (number of rockets fired * reload time of one rocket). It cannot fire at all until the reload is finished. The salvo should be less accurate overall than single shots, the advantage being the ability to unload everyhing and then retreat.

I wouldn't be opposed to the Scorpion becoming a forward-facing assault strider, though I think the cloaking is kind of cool. And I stand by my suggestion that Jugglenauts should be armed with attractive gravity and chainsaws.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'm not a big fan of tons of activatables as either the AI won't use them or uses them wrong. I'm all in favor of lots of heavy micro but sometimes you just need to leave a group of units unattended for a short period of time...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Licho, I see why buffing shot velocity isn't buffing strength, but it does make the unit more unique among artilleries.

I don't see how low shot velocity is supposed to be a weakness of artillery though so it's not buffing a weakness, just something unrelated.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Give catapult personal cloak, like com. It will greatly increase its survival. Or more HP. Because it is good unit but can be very easily destroyed by bombers/guships.
+0 / -0
Catapault is a super porc buster vs anni and DDM. Only takes a shot or two and those get blow away.
+0 / -0
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