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Zero-K eyecandy thread.

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+3 / -0
Some nice DoF shoots :) I also think that disabling unit contours does much, much toward increased eyecandiness. I always cringe seeing news-accompanying arts, exactly cause they sport the faux comic-book like contours.

+0 / -0
how much u need to smoke or drink to even consider zk eyecandy,the only candy i see in this game is explosions,lots and lots of explosions.
The trees are nice though.

btw Its night terrors not tremors,and there cant even be shivers in a night terror,cause u get frozen rock solid during the episode and can only move your eyes,you are basicly paralyzed compleatly and you halucinate the shadow figure with your eyes wide open and awake.The one thing to do in that case is to close your eyes and try to fall back asleep hopefully REM mode.

night terrors are terryfying,a scary side effect of lucid dreaming.
+1 / -3
PLrankCatLady: Thanks, but it's worth noting that Outlines were actually on in those last shots, they just didn't show up much since they get blurred out really quickly.

Also, I should thank PaulBellow for their screenshots, since that helped me identify some bugs in the DoF implementation that have been fixed, which my most recent screenshots show off.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
PLranknecxelos In this thread there are also some nice screenshots. I encourage authors to do more with UI disabled and LOS disabled.
+0 / -0
Valiant 32th Mobile Divisions performs assault through hellish swamp terrain, where 1st Navy Lobsters amphbot regiments entrenched itself:

(From a battle between Corpse4 and brianfreeman)

+4 / -0
5 years ago
whoa awesome that's amazing maneuver you see such ferocity. good shot.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I never knew this game could be so beautiful. I gotta thank you for taking this picture, since this is honestly the first online battle I did almost well at.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
more new players
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Yeah, I luckily found the game through steam, and it was the exact kind of game I was looking for.
+5 / -0

5 years ago
+2 / -0

5 years ago
field of depth really delivers
+5 / -0
I'm glad you like it, Corpse4! Yea, ZK is really good looking (if you tweak settings a little) - hoever, during battle, you usually don't have much time for sightseeing ;)

Hoever, each and every battle is saved under "replays" section of main menu (and for online battles - even with AI - you can also search them here, on the site, amongst replays database files, using search filters and criteria), so you can re-watch them later, from different angles, take shoots with line of sight (ctrl + l) and gui (ctrl + F5) disabled.

Happy experimenting!

+3 / -0
Today's shoots focused on Commanders:

And some fortress under siege:

+3 / -1
Another update later than usual, because - as it turned out - of all things happening in ZK forum, editing own posts was for-week-bannable offense ;D

Campaign, Phoenix mission:

(Isn't it hilarious that Constable can hit him from the ground... Maybe Raptor exceeded allowed speed ;D)


A short story about what happened when two Commanders went hiking:

Nice day for a walk:

Surprise meeting:

A new Friend:

New horizons, aka Standing in a Saddle:


Struggle with chickens on normal maps (Recommending!):

+4 / -1
Page of 2 (35 records)