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New long range\super weapon? (mass projector)

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5 years ago
Basically i got bored and inspierd at the same time and drew a picture.

You build the thing in protected place.
You drop alot of metal and energy in it.
You point the thing to the enemy formations or base and order it to fire.
The thing channels metal you have put into it to your target.
You pump alot of energy into thing and wait till metall is fully channeled to your target point. You could add more constructors to the thing to reduce time needed to do the trick at cost of additionall energy. You also may trigger it prematurely.
While channeling, metal you have put into the thing moves to your designated target into dense black sphere contained by your energy fields.
When you trigger it or channeling is fully done it relises your field. Black sphere colapses into black hole sucking in everything nearby and uses all metall mass that been put into it in previous stage and wasnt reclaimed - into growing destructive area bubble that very quickly destroy everything inside and pulls in movable units from outside damaging them slowly. Sctructures takes more damage but does not pulled in.
Everyting sucked into sphere and destroyed - goes into single one metal chunk that anyone may reclaim.
If while channeling you trigger fields before its fully transfered you get metal that wasnt transfered back in form of chunk falling down from projector.
If while channeling enemy sees your chanell beam and reclaims metal from your sphere - it loses metall and therefore area of damaging bubble reduced to the point of complete nothing.

Well it sustainable reliable way to shurely kill something in particular area from distance similar to big bertha, but also it is preventable thru construtors. It more expensive and not quick to action, but wipes some area entirely.
It goes straight thru shields but require line of sight similar to the radar. Preventable by terramorph but not entirely as damage area wideners and its pulls units in. It might be fired on terramorph towers to damage bottom and suck enemy units into air.

Idk if it legit but... Actually every mechanics it is based on already implemented.
Singular reactors pull units into its implosion, shields and cloak generators got increasing area bubbles, Zenith got reclaimable projectiles, djinn able to project things.

Drawing is not showning any scalings, everything is for reference only. I am not an artist such as MXrankmoleculeman88, sorry.

+5 / -0
I understand it, but it's complicated how u explained it. like many people say you need to make pics or else people won't understand. frankly that's still a bit like starlight. starlight is better than that and too hard to code.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
maybe giving that type of weapon to something more medium like silo or another version of silo
+0 / -0

5 years ago
+1 for the fancy toilet!
+3 / -1

5 years ago
What price point are you thinking?
+0 / -0
5 years ago

Drawing is not showning any scalings, everything is for reference only. I am not an artist such as oleculeman88, sorry.

too sad
+1 / -0

5 years ago
It's just a long-range bomb that requires metal to activate. Once you have the metal it just explodes in the area selected giving the enemy the metal you invested in it and also the metal from the things destroyed in that area. It's like a giveaway present with an explosion.
+0 / -0