This feigned victimhood crap is getting old.
For the public record, the events in question are from
B764596 11 on Delta Siege Dry Reloaded vBETA4 in which Rooks purposefully stalled the game for almost 20 minutes past the point of turn around. The "Heckling" accusation is from
B764606 12 on StormSiege_v3 in which I was a PLAYER of whereas rooks was a spectator/not participating (which is not
heckling and in fact, your behavior during said game qualifies as heckling itself as you were disrupting the game as a spectator.). During this game, Rooks attempted to start an argument distracting several players in game.
quote: mainly from Shaman, constant votekick towards me |
You were kicked. Once. As a result of your delaying the game for 20+ minutes. You were attempted to be kicked a few times (not just by me but also a few other players), however you were on the enemy team when I called the vote (which means it isn't registered) and this was when you were
dragging the game on well past a point of winnability.quote: I believie heckling that was going on was against the rules of zk community guidelines |
Heckling is against CoC...
As a spectator. In the game in question, you were not playing and I was playing. You caused enough disruption that

esainane asked you to take it elsewhere.
quote: [f=0025612] > <rooks[vegan]>people reacted to pressure of constant shaman yelling im trolling. that was false accusations that yielded to my team trusting his opinion, without giving my self chance to figure out why in firs place you accuse me of that... [f=0025929] <_Shaman> wasn't just me [f=0025997] <esainane> rooks take it to pm pls kthx |
quote: mainly from Shaman, constant votekick towards me |
You were kickvoted a total of 1 time. Hardly constant.
quote: without specifing anying of substance i could refer to other just false accusations of trolling |
See the battle length of the aforementioned battle. You dragged the game on
well beyond any recoverable state. Even after your singus and everything was destroyed, you still insisted on dragging the game on. Enough people were dissatisfied with this behavior and thus you were kicked. It wasn't just me complaining about this behavior either.

Corvus_Corax and

TinySpider were both complaining of your behavior. If 3 of the 10 people present are complaining verbally, and enough people agree to warrant the kick, it is perfectly reasonable some of us do not want to play with you. The fact that this has reached a point where you are
being kicked should be a clear sign you need to change your behavior.
quote: [15:32] rooks[vegan]: organising votkick campaign vs me in unporovoked way counts as hekling |
In Zero-K's sense, heckling is constant aggressive or
provocative commentary from a person
not playing the game.
quote: When spectating, respect the players' right to play without disruption. Do not heckle. Avoid excessive public commentary, and avoid all public commentary if the players want you to stop interrupting. When playing or in a battleroom, do not excessively call votes. Do not flood chat with messages or otherwise attempt to annoy others or disrupt games. |

As you can see in the alledged "heckling" game, I was playing. However, you were not. Instead you were being disruptive to the point at least one player ASKED you to take it to PM.
I'll top this off with an exert from the code of conduct, maybe this will explain why you aren't well received:
When playing in a team game, do your best to coordinate with your teammates and to work for the mutual success of the whole team. Communicate your intentions. Ask for help when needed and offer it to others when they need it. Understand that not everyone on your team will be willing or able to communicate and cooperate to the same degree; have patience with them and do your best even so.
Do not pursue all-or-nothing strategies without the consent of your team. Gambling the game on a risky move without their consent robs your teammates of their agency. You're free to try any strategy as long as you inform your team and they agree to it. The more risky, extreme, or unusual the strategy is, the more important it is to obtain your team's agreement before you start. Play as if you mean to play a full game. |
You are constantly uncooperative, and aggressive when requested to participate as part of the team's efforts. You are far often a burden on teams to the point some people flat out refuse to play while you're playing and I don't blame them. Today just happened to be when the pot boiled over. It's been warm for some time.