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passive real-life-stealth is coming

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+3 / -0
5 years ago
+1 / -0
mojjj it is of-course perhaps a scam.. but it looks so damn promising and possible that im going to say its real this time! and im a skeptic! its refracting the light like optic cable does. so very damn cool.

yeah yeah not a scam to the believers ect.. lets hope so.. -.-

czesio that's a different claim.. this is a new claim and if it does work i worry it may be confiscated and classified by the military =P
tbh its very likely the military is already in the process of assessment and containment
+0 / -0
5 years ago
i just posted that for laughs and giggles
+0 / -0
Captain disalusion is amazing. This 'invisibility' pane isn't so quickly handwaved, it has a camera off a tripod moving crazy like and looks realistic. But the 50+ min video starting with some starwars text crawl about the military and 'this guy is credible and has been doing this for 8 years' followed by not good CGI is high on the Wacky scale, looks like the Time Cube website, and makes me want to say BS.

But it looks reasonable at least. It cirtainly looks real, and based on what I know about polarized sunglasses it might be real and cool AF. Explanations start at 12:05.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
bs is profitable.. talk shit and put adds on it and then go get your free bs covered diamonds

thats the state of the world.. liars who know that it pays.. honor in the toilet

its gotten so easy to fake visuals now with programs.. you can literally use a thin colored wire forming a border in the shape of the shield and then have a pc blur its contents and smudge its edges.. shove some bs about a patient put adds on it or not depending on your motives and bam your a somebody $$$
+1 / -0

a manufacturer of military camouflage
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Isn't this just a fresnel lens?
+5 / -0
yes i think the tech could very well exist.. if the military gets this and throws some science at it it could be allot better..
+0 / -0

5 years ago
maybe in 10 or 20 years, like a lot of other things that have been coming over the last decades.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
This actually seems legit. It's got all kinds of fine print about under what conditions it will actually hide the target, but I see nothing fundamentally wrong with the principle behind it. The main issue is that it isn't very portable or easy to use, you can't just stick it on a vehicle and make it disappear or anything. It's more like "ok now we're gonna haul out these huge sheets of plastic stuff and hang them up to hide this specific area".

The riot shield thing was cool but it has to be pretty freaking big to hide your whole body, and for something really big like a car you might have issues with supporting the plastic sheet and/or the supports being obviously visible.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
nanotechnology can surpass and be more affordable in the future. it may be now they show this technology but " i'm not buying it ", truly the russians, the americans, and chinese have way more advance stuff than this. this looks like it could be made since the 70's and just give this crap to this guy and finally showed it. he says he finally patented after the military persuaded him not to after ten years -_- pfffff !. if the military says no to him, he would of been whacked and thrown out and no one will ever find this technology.

i know for instance the russians work on a jet fighter using plasma technology to render it invisible and can be undetectable on radar. there feeding us garbage the military have way more technological stuff than this.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
+0 / -0

5 years ago
i know for instance the russians work on a jet fighter using plasma technology to render it invisible and can be undetectable on radar. there feeding us garbage the military have way more technological stuff than this.

Plasma happens to reflect all radio waves so I don't buy it's used to hide (absorb/deflect).
+0 / -0

5 years ago
This seems to be better as a magic trick than to actually hide something outdoors. If any light falls on it, the reflection would give it away. The background will also distort weirdly when you're moving relative to the sheet.

+0 / -0

5 years ago
well, plasma is really really easy to handle and doesn´t require so much energy and insulation to be kept. i totally buy that.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
at any rate wars are mostly fought with information these days.. covert wars rage on everyday with billions of dollars being drained back and forth between nations. propaganda and espionage are the new atomic bombs
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Plasma happens to reflect all radio waves so I don't buy it's used to hide (absorb/deflect).

Correct. Radar stealth generally uses a semi-conductive paint, usually containing either graphite or small iron particles, which internally reflect and absorb the radar waves until they're converted into heat.

This seems to be better as a magic trick than to actually hide something outdoors. If any light falls on it, the reflection would give it away. The background will also distort weirdly when you're moving relative to the sheet.

More or less. I mean you could probably give it an anti-glare coating to prevent it from reflecting, and at far distances the shift in the background would hardly be noticeable.

I mean in terms of blending in it's better than regular camouflage, but it only works well from certain angles and at a certain distance from the object to be hidden, and it's a pain to set up and probably not as cheap as regular camo. The "magic trick" part is that you have to stage everything just right for it to work. The conditions aren't that bad, but they aren't that good either. I could easily see the military deciding that the overall cost to benefit was unfavorable.
+0 / -0
This is simply an overhyped dynamic camo system, not a cloaking device. The science behind it is correct, but the actual advantages over normal stealth patterns are probably modest at best, especially with moving targets and objects like trees in the background.
If you wanted to be difficult to see in a featureless desert, it would replace your normal image with nothing but a slight blur - for no cost but carrying around a big plastic sheet in front of you, that also obstructs your vision. But in more complex terrain, the efficiency degrades to something only slightly better than normal army camo patterns. If you are not looking closely, you could still miss someone hiding close to you, but in most cases the inconvenience of having to hold the plastic sheet 1m away from you at all times (and the effect being directional unless you carry a whole 1m radius tube around you) makes it pretty useless in most practical cases.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Also: what happens when you shoot a bullet at it?

But is great for hiding area 51.
+2 / -0
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