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Whitelisted Autohost

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Could a whitelist auto host be implemented in zero k its purpose being similar to all welcome but only players on the list can join.

All active players would automatically be added to the whitelist new players could ask or would be auto added after enough play.

The purpose of this idea is to essentially create a big teams room which can't be accessed by smurfs and that misbehaving players can be banned from without giving them a lobby ban.
+3 / -1
5 years ago
I agree that something should be done, but I don't like this idea. If you block them from pots, where and who are new players going to play?
+0 / -0
5 years ago
How about requiring at least 1 hour playtime before being able to join? Newbies can get that from play a bot game or two.
+3 / -0
5 years ago
Start an ai game, put enough novice ai's on both teams and go afk for an hour and be allowed in? Repeat process until you have a fair-sized backlog of dupes to fall on when they start getting banned?

No. This affects new players while dupes can get around it with minimal effort.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
The way I see it theres only ever one big lobsterpot going and it happens in whatever room all the other people are in. If this one room was always whitelisted youd create a situation where newbies just have to hope theres some other poor soul out in the cold with them to play 10 games against before they can get any useful experience playing normal players.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I toyed with the idea in @Sparkles thread (a "good character" room) but for it to genuinely filter trolls and smurfs, I think you'd need manual evaluation of character as well as time served. In other words, the whitelist would need to be managed by someone with access to reports submitted to moderators to decide if this person really is well behaved enough to be trusted in a room with standards. You'd also need a record of play against other people evidenced by reaching a certain level. Sure it could be gamed, but if it takes, say 20 hours of multiplayer to get a smurf to look fit for the whitelist, that's a lot of effort to go for being able to spoil one game before being locked out forever. Without the ability to locate the troll in real life and hold him personally to account, all we can really do is raise the level of effort required to the point it's not worth it.

The more important objection though, is the one room culture already highlighted. I only proposed the good conduct room as a potential addition to a new world where the default team game is a no-elo, no consequences, no standards (except reasonable manners) lobsterpot with serious rooms for serious players to migrate into if they don't want to just mess around. The lobsterpot would have to be no-elo in order to ensure that serious players felt freer to drop it half way through if there was actually critical mass for a serious game.
+0 / -0