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ZeroWars v1.3

By petturtle

made for zero-k
Size: 16 x 6


Downloads: 209

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5 years ago
Expanded map to 16x6
Added three deploy platforms per side
Deployment is cycled though platforms, based on player count / does it contain player
Deployedment time decreased 1000 -> 800
Buffed base turret hp to 5000, reload time from 4 -> 1 second
Buffed center turret hhp to 3500. doubled projectiles
added two anti air turrets for each side intead to stop air form bombing main base
killing center turret gives 800 metal to each member of team
nullAi com removed on start
active platforms get auto mexed on start
movestate only copies to clone, does not effect move command
commanders get teleported to center platform when in deploy zone
enabled air / gs cloning
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Any ideas on how to nerf halberds and limpets? don't wonna remove units.
+0 / -0
Reduce Limpet speed. If they can't so easily separate from your wave, there's a danger that they get sniped and slow your own wave down.

Halberds... Any speed adjustment is a buff and reducing their hp or lowering their damage reduction to acceptable will pretty much kill their unique role. Maybe increased price? At 2.5x to 3x price it would be a lot harder to overload the damage required to take them down while still preserving their unique role as a tanky af unit.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Slowing speed of limpet should work, just here to mention that limpets don't damage allies.

Also i do think both air need some buff too.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
If Limpet slow doesn't affect allies, then the speed could be halved. Amphs have Lobster too, so Limpets can still be chucked into enemy waves.
+1 / -0
I suggest you make limpets give allied dmg so it won't be OP. That's the only way you can make the unit work. Not giving dmg to allies is what made them strong on this map in the first place.
+0 / -0
Another thing that I want to point out is the potential for this map of making commanders important depending on the situation. Maybe add a base in an area where dead commanders respawn each time they die? Removing one level each time they die will make players pay attention to what modules they use and what they attack.

If you manage to implement this for commanders it will eventually show us what are the current problems for commanders. As of now, the recon commander is the most used because it has the jump ability. I am expecting that when the respawn system will work commanders will showcase the following issues:
1. Engineer commander no longer effective because of movement speed
2. Strike commander to OP if it has cloak and d-gun
3. Guardian commander no longer used since the Engineer/Strike/Recon commander are the better option.

I have always proposed that modules for commanders should be modified and even introduce specific modules in some cases.
New modules that I suggest:

1. Decloaking wave
-It can be implemented by giving commanders the ability to do damage the similar way outlaws do. We just reduce the damage to be extremely low and it will act as a decloaking system. I also suggest making these modules upgradable so the range will increase according to your investment.
It will also remove the Strikes' commander OP status if introduced.

2. Emp Wave
-Works similar to a decloaking wave with the exception that it gives EMP dmg instead of standard dmg (you can call this module like an outlaw with emp)

These are just some examples of modules that can make some commanders more worthy in this game. I will propose more modules in a new thread if eventually, commanders will get more attention on this map.

Last but not least thank you USrankPetTurtle for making this small game mode, you are the best!
+0 / -0
5 years ago
USrankPetTurtle, GS can change spawn points between waves. I present thee, bullshit extraordinaire!
+1 / -0
We can solve the plane/gunship issue by making the water area unpassable for air units in the yellow location that I highlighted.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
both silo and dgun com are op
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Dgun com, Bertha and Nuke seem reasonably counterable given the quantity of resources you have to put into them.

Tacsilo on the other hand seems gamebreaking.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
GS and planes can go around and burst the Stinger down, full team com + mid fac rush is practically unstoppable, proper mid Gauss porc is damn near impossible to get through. A few more exotic things seem theoretically possible.

Come on. It's an early version. It's obviously easy to break if you don't play the intended way.
+0 / -0
While spectating, I can see the AI has about 7 enregy income, and 0 storage. If this value is accurate, could it be a reason for cloak failing and shields charging way too slowly for the AI units?


After spectating another game, where one of the players gave the AI a storage, it seems to get more energy income according to the resource bar.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
AI obviously has no E buildings, so how could it support cloaks or shields? You give (a) fusion(s) to it so it can support shield/cloak drain.
+1 / -0
AUrankAdminAquanim, add some lobsters to that dgun and u fly across the platform for ez dgun, for less metal then silo
+0 / -0
5 years ago
This map effectively killed lobsterpots. Everyone sits and watches AI massakre itself, guys, are you insane?
+0 / -1

5 years ago
Also please remove the wreck from limpetttt
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Please disable superweapons as Players just sit and wait for nuke. give a singu to power shielded and cloaked unts better. disable building stuff in the middle.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
AI needs energy so that it can use cloaked units
+0 / -0
5 years ago
nah, if u don't disabled nuke it kills all the fun of the mod. then you even can close that Lobby. totally useless with super weaponz.
+0 / -0
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