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Keep getting banned

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Hey! I've been playing and enjoying games but I keep getting banned for "playing bad"
I haven't signed a contract of carrying my teammates, I just come to chill and enjoy some games in a "lobster pot"
And I'be been trying various tactics some of them for the first time for a long-long time(like throwing enemy units with cloaked lobster in https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/868709 and scyllaing enemy units and coms in https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/868716)
So what my tactics are unortodox I've been playing like this for ages and my elo should be in accordance with this.

Isn't balancer supposed to account for such cases?...
I really didn't want to create a whiney forum post and messaged several admins on discord but they just ignore me.
A lot of people are doing exactly the same or even worse and aren't getting banned...
+6 / -2

4 years ago
As far as I am concerned, the only problem i have with you is that you don't give anyone else a chance to play stupidly. If you played 'standard' every couple of games so someone else can goof off with a stupid tactic I'd be a happy dude
+1 / -0
4 years ago

As far as I am concerned, the only problem i have with you is that you don't give anyone else a chance to play stupidly. If you played 'standard' every couple of games so someone else can goof off with a stupid tactic I'd be a happy dude

wait what, Firepluk is banned because GBrank[GBC]HarveyN cant play stupid when hes in his team`?
+1 / -0
4 years ago
what the hell...seriously who banned firepluk? he's a good player and a fun guy in the community, why the hell would you ban him? people crying about him and his tactics should just learn to counter instead of reporting.
of course sometimes people blame him for loosing, but its easy to do so since the way he plays is so much different, and so he draws attention, even though the ones to blame are clearly others....but playing frontline, is easy to hide your mistakes.
un-ban firepluk!
+5 / -0

4 years ago
So what my tactics are unortodox

Strange. Seems resign isn't so unortodox tactics.

wait what, RUrankFirepluk is banned because GBrank[GBC]HarveyN cant play stupid when hes in his team`?

I think he means that Firepluk is too much playing unortodox methods and some players aren't happy with that because they can't also try such methods. We all have stupid games and try failing odd startegy but seems Pluk outperforms everyone. :D
+0 / -0
4 years ago
scyllaing enemy units and coms in https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/868716

As someone who was on your team in that battle, you fast resigned because and I quote: "they have air and we have lobs." you don't need to lie about your "unorthodox" tactics that didn't occur in that battle.

+2 / -0

4 years ago
TL;DR: multiple people keep reporting for multiple battles.

The balancer only reflects an average but not any individual battle. For example nuke rush might well be OP in a 16v16 but it sucks in a 6v6 on a small map. So if you get both kinds of games then it looks like it averages to 50% and the balancer might think it's fine but in reality you're playing above your elo in a 16v16, yet with a predictable loss if you do it in the 6v6. Unorthodox strats mostly happen to be swingy in that way and get very inconsistent results.

Resign is nominally allowed anytime because we understand that IRL stuff can happen (guests come over, phone, child shat himself and needs diapers changed, whatever) but resigning every game just puts an unfun strain over the rest of the team (somebody gets extra units, morale is even further down).

The combination of consistently doing unorthodox stuff + resign makes others frustrated. To some extent this is what Harvey is saying. I don't know about "a lot of people are doing exactly the same or even worse" but for some reason nobody else is getting any reports about it.

The ban is fairly lenient so you should still be back for the weekend.
+5 / -0
4 years ago
+4 / -1
4 years ago
I would much rather he resigned after trying something unorthadox as it gives immediate support to the rest of the team. He sees his idea not working and doesn't waste any more of the teams money on it. Unlike certain players who spam piles of pointless stuff every game.
+3 / -1

4 years ago
For clarity, I did not log any reports for pluk. I generally like playing with them, but it would be nice for a few others to have a chance at cheesing
+1 / -0

4 years ago
... thought it was about DaKeys :(
+2 / -0
The ban is fairly lenient so you should still be back for the weekend.

Except that I've been banned for exactly the same crappy reason 10h ago
And I even decently served my sentence(though it hardly was justified as this community is riddled with potato players playing badly, nothing wrong with me playing like a potato)

Not like I'm teamkilling or going on insulting spree, I just want to play a game in a lobster pot doing stuff that's fun. Whats wrong with this :(
People even find funny my little raging and trolling attempts, and I find it funny...

Come on guys, I'm lonely and sad and I just want some comfort playing a game I like, I don't even do anything that bad that would say -ban-ban-ban-.
+1 / -1
4 years ago
so we all write what we dislike on pluk here now?
+1 / -0

4 years ago
I agree with Harvey. Sometimes Firepluk decides to actually play seriously and he can really kick ass when he does. But usually you see Firepluk on team and think GG. I too would not mind him cheesing if he didn't do it 95% of the time. Or, even if he chose the right cheese tactics for the right map. I don't mind if he makes Zenith on a huge map because I know that if we can hold out then probably he will win the game. I don't mind a krow rush or dgun comm on smaller maps because he is genuinely useful in that situation and can sometimes change the battle. Anyway ... 2c ...
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Not like I'm teamkilling or going on insulting spree,

I see what you did there, and I don't like where this is going!
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Also I don't believe Firepluk is lonely.

I believe he lives in a converted Typhoon-class nuclear submarine with plush white carpeting and a glass acquarium where people are paid to swim instead of fish while he drives the Aston Martin up and down the sub.

I bet I'm right.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Nah... My live is surprisingly boring, especially working remotely...
ZK is my collective and neighborhood :P
+3 / -0

4 years ago
so we all write what we dislike on pluk here now?

Who just dislike pluk? Maybe dislike is about his unortodox tactics?
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Few people dislike Firepluk.

We just get mad when he plays like a lobster.

In my case, whenever he is on the other team his cheese tactics always work out and I am the first to die, so, double rage ...
+6 / -1
The community has a choice.

Right now in ZK there is no casual PvP mode. People play in the teams lobby for "casual" elonz and rank badge color.

Starting a room with noelo doesn't count. The same arguments against having a permanent highelo room describe why few people will join a noelo room. Unless the teams autohosts ran noelo, and they won't, because it would break autobalance in the long run.

Every sane game with "casual" mm/autobalance hides "casual" ELO and only shows player experience. This eliminates obvious metagaming in what should be a low pressure game mode.

People playing autohost for rank color incentivizes reporting Firepluk for having fun, running off new players, and all kinds of salt in the most populated way to play ZK.

The choices:

- Keep taking the "casual" autohost seriously and report-to-ban Firepluk or whoever when they get bored and hail mary. Player incentives are to metagame the hell out of it.
- Hide casual ELO and play ZK. Player incentives are to play mm for rank.
+1 / -0
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