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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.8.11.3
Engine version: 104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f
Battle ID: 996563
Started: 4 years ago
Duration: 14 minutes
Players: 22
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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4 years ago
i was set up when player report me talk rued language not understand my game played it wood been better if they were nice tell me not build auitnuke yet they siad it 9 mins it make sense some player but i head thing not trolling at all play fair by rules play my own way of games
+1 / -1

4 years ago
sorry, your english is hard to understand. did you say something like "i did play with the best intentions, yet people were rude to me" ?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Dohieu, your build queue was not very good: mex, mex, anti at back corner of the map, fusion, factory, 4 caretakers, stinger, 3 flaks at the backside of your base... at 10:40 you built the third mex, that was 2,3 metal/second lost for good 10 minutes. Then building strider hub and starting to build scorpion when your front players were dead. And starting !poll resign when enemy gets to your base.

Above is a lot that will piss some few people off when you do that from battle to battle. Like you were told, building anti at the rear corner is not good because it doesnt cover the front, just kinda keeps your base safe. You should try to help team more. Because its a team game, you should not just play in your own base.

People tell you what you should do and what not, listen to them. If you do shit, you generally get shit. Again, its a team effort to win. And metal is shared.

Too many caretakers, 1 mex unbuilt, 3 flaks at rear. Also press f4 for economy view, or whatever its called... energy gives you more metal if you connect energy to metal spots.

Also try to use . and , when you write.
+3 / -0
Kapy look man diffident other player there day good there day not played very well don't like when some one trying make problem with me at all

next time i will listen because build other building think a head then other player some time player build Nuke fast it didn't mean bad player don't do shit in every game thank you for understand
+0 / -2

4 years ago
For the record, USrankdohieu1850 refers to this conversation. I reported him after game due to his comment after game:

[17:49] dohieu1850: it ruded talk some one you don't know

if they were nice tell me not build auitnuke yet they siad it 9 mins

[f=0001750] Shaman added point: this is not only a terrible spot for it, but does nothing

The first text telling you not to do it came in at 00:58, not 9 minutes. In all, the exchange lasted on and off for about 6 minutes and 10 seconds.

i head thing not trolling at all play fair by rules play my own way of games

Joining team games and doing something unproductive like building an anti-nuke at 00:30 in the rear corner, telling me I'm "toxic" or "rude" when I'm being direct, then making a baww post on the forum about how you're "a victim" IS trolling, plain and through. Self-victimization is a hallmark of trolling.
+5 / -1
next time do better right now lost rank point and been AFK some time not this game not what use to keep same point not message back mean way any more because playing fair game today not trolling i was trolling then other player should seen that every game i know is fair without trolling

if was trolling then wood cheat in the game or also do my own game played that what wanted see player do there own way of playing the game
+0 / -3
also one thing didn't like player get piss at me when they need understand game played also talk back at other player means is not trolling some time player miss understand or trying make problem with me that can't not be allowed till player fix what they trying to said at me

not make problem with any one they trying started problem with me that only thing don't wanted to see also build anitNuke have reason build that building also people who toxic don't message back at him because way they message at me is Miss understand trying started problem not understand other player also player who are ruded i don't about you Shaman talking to your team mate not at you

I hope you understand now that not mean player just played my own way and help team mate but then some player said to me those word like victim ,Self-victimization is a hallmark, of trolling,

also I hope it not problem thank you for that Informant
+0 / -2
4 years ago
https://www.beyondallreason.info/download#How-To-Install about join new game see how it goes
+0 / -1
4 years ago
Most unfair resign ever. Could have waited for the game to count my nuke hit >:(
+4 / -0
yeah because player maybe push hard into my base that how losted but less i try

and maybe should build Antinuke join mid lane but that some time win and some time you losed at part of game

but part is need so better at all don't tell me trolling any more because No one like that word it annoying to me as well also if i said ever about when i said people don't know about me when player haven't meet me in real life yet that what i mean by No one know me

if you have problem with that meet me in real life understand more because don't wanted deal with that kind act
+0 / -0
4 years ago
if you disagreed at find don't cared so that you but me diffident gamer
+0 / -0
This guy has an US flag and yet speaks worse than a 5 year old learning a foreign language.
How is this even possible? :\
+5 / -1
4 years ago
I am from USA you have problem so Not play Zero-k any more because people don't understand nothing
+0 / -0
4 years ago
24 year old dude
+0 / -0
4 years ago
it done so can't message about tell me act like 5 year old when you don't know me leave me be https://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/185685 or try make problems thank you for understand
+0 / -0
4 years ago
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Could you not?
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Its one thing if you want to advertise a game. Its another if youre constantly advertising it and derailing threads to do it. Just stop.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
the one make Treads other player o ok piss at me for No good reason try have good time who started you were not there in the match how can you understand that give warnging already don't wanted you message me again thank you for understand
+0 / -0
trying have good time at all if you still think Treads that you because don't wanted see more problem with me

trying to be nice it find thank you for understand and hated when some one trying make more bad day
+0 / -0
Page of 2 (34 records)