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Make artillery reveal its exact location on radar upon firing

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3 years ago
it works like that in real life
+0 / -0
3 years ago
I feel like a stronger argument than "more realistic" is necessary for something that affects game balance. Nothing reveals exact location just by firing, why should artillery be any different?
+4 / -0
3 years ago
They do. Just watch their payload fly to you structure or unit. They must have fired it in the direction that they shot it from. Phantoms even hint at their location away when firing due to this.
+5 / -0
3 years ago
Impaler would like to know your location
+8 / -0
Well, artillery does show its location on radar when firing under cloak. It's not super exact but so what? The only reason the pinpoint location would be useful would be for Impalers to immediately counter-battery whatever fired and kill it.

And I for one strongly object to any buffing of the current pestilence that is Impaler. lobpot is degenerating into roving clumps of Impalers behind a combat screen that kill anything that stops even for a second. I agree that Impaler is necessary to kill porc but it has too long a range, hits too hard and is too difficult to kill even if you should manage to sneak something behind the lines.

If artillery needs to be revealed the instant it fires, then I say that Impaler needs to stop, deploy and then fire, like the other artillery.
+5 / -0

3 years ago
It would make chasing down arti easier, which would be good for a the game I think.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Impalers are definitely a good candidate for a nerf.
+4 / -0

3 years ago
I agree that Impaler is necessary to kill porc but it has too long a range, hits too hard and is too difficult to kill even if you should manage to sneak something behind the lines.

Impaler has barely enough damage to counter basic shields for cost, or to kill a Stinger that is being actively repaired.

If it achieves such degeneracy in lobpot, that's a symptom of something bigger.
+7 / -0
3 years ago
Arty position is already revealed by firing. You just need sufficiently sophisticated widgets.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
EErankAdminAnarchid, Impaler is degenerate in the pot because the frontlines become bogged down with porc and masses of units. You simply can't get to them. Impaler has enough range to engage stuff that it doesn't have to go anywhere near the frontlines to target. I'm not talking about 1-2 Impalers. That's manageable. I'm talking about clumps of 6-12 Impalers that obliterate stuff with every salvo they fire.

I for one cannot understand how shields were deemed such a big problem but this phenomenon of Impaler spam is OK. It becomes completely non-interactive. On some big maps it's not such a hassle because there are enough gaps in the line that fast units can break through. But any map that has sharp ridged features and bottlenecks (like Fields of Isis) becomes an Impalerfest. I have on occasion managed to sneak kill squads of Scythes into the rear areas of the enemy to hunt these guys down. Sadly Impaler is quite a beefy unit despite it's artillery-only role, and I'm not even sure whether the Scythes made cost before they were swarmed and killed.

Impaler really does need a nerf. If devs are unwilling to compromise on their range, accuracy and damage (the 3 factors that make it so oppressive) at least nerf the Impaler's hitpoints so that there's some chance of killing them with cloaked strike units in the backlines.
+4 / -0
But any map that has sharp ridged features and bottlenecks (like Fields of Isis) becomes an Impalerfest

You're playing 16v16 on Fields of Isis? That's your underlying issue right there.

Fields of Isis is guaranteed to be some kind of degeneracy no matter what you do if you play it in more than 2v2. The map has two chokepoints, and you're stuffing 8 players into each, sure enough cancer occurs.
+6 / -0

3 years ago
Yes, the problem seems to be that the lobby is allowing many games to start with huge player count on tiny maps. It just seems ludicrous that Impaler spam is meta.

For gameplay that isn't WWI themed 16v16 player count should be 16x16 map minimum, preferably closer to 20x20.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
The problem is that people like playing 16vs16...
I think they are just scared to be alone. mimimi
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Many people playing together is OK, many people playing together on very small maps can get frustrating.
+2 / -0
Many people playing together is OK, many people playing together on very small maps can get frustrating.

I think there's also an issue that with the removal of aggressive clanstacking due to which games are now by default so uncoordinated that attempting low-probability opportunistic snipes with a non-leading no-aoe piece of artillery became more profitable than coordinating a push through the defenses that prevent you from attacking said artillery.

I do think that it's healthier for the lobpots like this. Clan stomps are not that fun.

But i would predict that you wouldn't see impaler degeneracy in a clan-on-clan 6v6.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
Seems like people aren't too concerned about the Impaler problem.

Well, there's only one way to solve this. I need to go Impaler spam too, until either I realise it's not as OP as I think it is ... or until enough people scream about Impaler degeneracy that devs actually do something about it.
+3 / -0
3 years ago
The only problem with impalers is that it is such a good counter for the porccity players that are there at the moment.

I have no prove to this, but i am certain that the damage dealt by the impaler players is mostly done to "lower ranked" players that prefer a more slow/porcy playstyle.
+0 / -0
Seems like people aren't too concerned about the Impaler problem.

There is always going to be something degenerate in a large team game on Fields of Isis etc.

There doesn't seem to be much value in nerfing Impaler, making it bad in more reasonable games, only for something else to take its place as the next degenerate thing in the pot.
+3 / -1

3 years ago
Clan stomps are not that fun.
why the plural...
+0 / -0
I need to go Impaler spam too

+0 / -0
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