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Ingame offensive language

11 posts, 702 views
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2 years ago
Admins, I want you to pay attention to the fight Multiplayer B1337579 28 on Tempest and to aggressive behavior of turkish players TRrankTrojaner_ and TRrankcemahseri. They also insulted me and called racist for no reason. I'm sure there is no place for such inadequate persons in zero-k community cause they are dangerous to others. Please, take action against them.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
As a comment, you do not know what are those players. The flag means you join the game from that country, it does not even mean you are in that country (VPN exists). And definitely it does not mean you are one nationality or another.

Also, if you travel and login from another country your flag will change.
+1 / -0
Oh, hey, nice to see you back.

While it is regrettable you have had such an experience, I'd like to point out that the Report feature exists and these posts here are more likely to be incendiary than constructive.

Having reviewed the replay, I would like to point out that kicking other users should be considered an option in event of obvious griefing or when a good faith attempt of conflict resolution has been made. Please do not issue kick votes like this. It is bad for community, it is bad for your personal working relationships with people and it's not going to resolve any conflict you may have with someone. If you have an issue with someone in game, at the very least communicate what that issue is, and try to work it out with the other person in good faith before issuing a kick vote (if it is not obvious griefing IE: bombing your comm, killing your units, etc). If you are unwilling to do that, then your issue is too minor to kick over. This is addressed to the general community, and not RUranknever personally (as they did not do this).
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Might be the international situation seeping into the game :(
+1 / -0
Note: What "report feature" means:
  • on website go to player page (for example for me http://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/5295 ). You can reach a user page by clicking his name in replay list for example. On that page there are 3 green buttons top right, the second one (labelled "???") is the report
  • in the lobby you can just right click one a user name and you have a "Report user" button

If I have an issue I usually go to replay, click player, then click report.

It is best to report just to admins so that people don't endlessly discuss one incident or another, in case the incident is not very simple to analyze.

admin edit: fix link - spacer between link and bracket
+2 / -0
2 years ago
No provocation in my posts at all. In this tough time of international political war, Zero-k community have to stand off from interpersonal relationships based on politics. I may assume these guys just tried to humiliate me as my flag is russian. In my memory there was one player who has been muted for a long long time for the same behavior, although he deserved permaban. Also I created this topic in order to be heard 100% by admins since I find this case an exceptional violation of human morality. We came here to make virtual war for fun, not real
+1 / -0
2 years ago
FRrankmalric, thanks, i will take it into account for the future
+0 / -0
2 years ago
if you find this topic inappropriate, then just close it
+0 / -0
This is becoming commonplace. I was in game lobby and was also accused of invading from YukanolFukov.
+0 / -0
I don't see any particular reason to believe that this incident was caused by TRrankTrojaner_ or TRrankcemahseri having something against Russians in general.

As a reminder to everybody, the admins can hide the location flag on your account if you request it.

I want to talk to other admins before commenting beyond that.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Had a chat with other admins. It seems far more likely that this incident can be summed up by "Trojaner saw his teammate was making a second nuke silo and got angry", rather than "Trojaner saw his teammate had a Russian flag and decided to abuse them because of that".

Nevertheless, the kick vote and verbal abuse are both inappropriate. Accordingly Trojaner (who has a long moderation history) has been temporarily muted and cemahseri (who has no previous moderation history) has been warned.

Further discussion in this thread doesn't seem like it would serve much purpose, so locking.
+9 / -0