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Can we ban BotWiz?

4 posts, 560 views
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2 years ago
This person AFKs in just about every game and when they don't, they just build boats on land maps. I've reported them a bunch of times and they got a warning, but I think it's about time that the warning turns into a ban. It's pretty ridiculous.

The game BotWiz is currently playing, they've been kicked about 6 times and.. they just keep rejoining.

There's gotta be a better way!
+1 / -3
2 years ago
The reason the oceans exist is because botwiz terraformed land into water for more boats.
+4 / -0
2 years ago
Glory to BotWiz for he is the fishbringer. May his ban be forever tranquil.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
I observed multiple games tonight, and have a couple issues with your statements.

1.) A public forum lynching is not going to help you get action taken by moderators. (General advice: If you feel the need to speed things up, make better reports. Add specific descriptions of bad behavior, links to battles, timestamps, etc.)

2.) You made reports, which resulted in action (you made a difference, be proud of your achievements, don't whine about them) -- It may not be as much as you wanted, but personal involvement typically leads to hotter heads, which can easily lead to undesirable outcomes.

3.) 6 kick votes initiated is not the same as being successfully kicked 6 times. Many folks seem to not be as offended with naval tactics as yourself. If the kicks were successful, that would signal that more than just a few people have a personal vendetta against a particular person.

4.) Of the games I observed BotWiz wasn't AFK or sabotaging the team. The boats contributed in a not-insignificant way to the game.

If you continue to see people going AFK or not contributing to the team, please be patient and report them which will result in escalated actions. Going AFK or using a non-traditional strategy are not on the same level of insulting people with slurs and teamkilling/intentional sabotage, so the response is clearly not going to be on the same level either.

And finally: The *better way* is to... report them! This is not the appropriate place to air your grievances against other players -- it just invites an unhelpful mob to grab their torches and pitchforks.
+6 / -2