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ETA is problem when game Freezing

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there mods can fix that problem get back the game where leave off not wait ETA then some how team lost because game Freezing time lind game played

did it happened to you guys be for when game freezing did happen to me today shouldn't have

hope didn't happen again


but honor past on some leader player

+1 / -0
No. Mods cannot solve the issue of "catching up" because of how the engine works. You have to sim the entire game due to how spring does synchronization. This would be an engine thing and it would be a huge undertaking.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
that wired other point tho is when didn't freezing
+0 / -0

2 years ago
I don't understand what you're trying to report.
+1 / -0
what trying report is how get game freezing when in middle of the game played then got freezing can you take look at replayed

then go AFk after words also get back the match take so long ETA <<< to get in the game

should started there left off right way

and is there time Lind on how play the game
+0 / -0
I don't understand how your game froze though. What were you doing to cause it to do that? Where's your infolog regarding the crash/freeze? Can you replicate it reliably?
+1 / -0
go see take look on that didn't live stream it yet but if did live stream it then show it have exit out the game got back in

maybe game take so long then freezing the game it could be

time freezing around 39:51 just make sure at time/41:04
+0 / -0

2 years ago
frozen game no good taste frozen yoghurt better. or this

+1 / -0
2 years ago
that video send its cute tho
+0 / -0