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RE: iris building with athena in water become multi build

8 posts, 611 views
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in this battle 27:10 min , i started an iris with 1000 metal , but it wont finish. and then the health decrease in a time , after i resume it stop again at some phase. im not seing any reclaims from other player.

not sure if this is a bug or if you does see someone reclaiming it please ban him from game.

+0 / -0

Looks like each athena decided to individually build a iris, stacked on top of each other.
+2 / -0
bug? i order to build one

as it is impossible for me to do such order manually
+1 / -0
2 years ago
yes it's a bug. im pretty sure its not the new engine tho, i've had it happen long before
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Can you produce it standalone in a short demo?
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Notification: this sounds like a very old bug https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/issues/1212
+0 / -0

2 years ago
I know it's old. Still iterating over a demo 2-3 min long is much more productive than over the one linked here.
+1 / -0

Here's an interesting 90 second replay. it features a wide, but perhaps not comprehensive set of executions of building units in deep water. The assumption that attempts to build do a collision detection with the surface sounds accurate. In the begining of the replay, I cheat 5 athenas and build a shield underwater in build range, and all athenas work on only one. Then I start a shield out of buildrange, and the athenas move to then start 5 seprate shields. Doing the same thing for halbird hover on the surface does not seem to duplicate it(not comprehensive). Later I attempt to queue multiple shields that overlap constructions in progress, and a variety of things occur. Fist, every attempt to build a shield unit that overlaps with another shield unit nanoframe succeeds. Second, the number of shield nanoframes created varries from 1 to 5. I think at some point only 4 shields get created? This is when all the athenas start within build range of the order.


The above replay proves it's possible for 5 athenas to start building only 3 units on the same plot. The very last djinn construction creates 3 nanoframes.


The conditions are hard to nail down. It seems that if the plot(on the xz plane) has a nanoframe construction on it, athenas will start their own nanoframes.

Anyway, something very interesting is this sandcastles replay with wind turbines. I picked sandcastles because it has those sheer cliffs by the ramps.

^ in which on land I stack winds

^in which I discover it's impossible to stack winds when the bottom right corner of the build construction is on high ground. The attempts in the bottom right sand castle are fruitless when the most positive x and z have the highest y value.

Zero-k does this colvolume shift for the first 33% of a unit's construction, not sure if colvolume location is relevant or not, or if colvolume height plays a role.

further wind turbine testing:
^south facing cliff is possible to stack winds on, others I could not find a way
^multiple south facing cliffs I build stacked winds easily, then I walk through the buildings with spider cons.
+2 / -0