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Athena Jitter Movement

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As the game came to an end, I controlled Athena and a skuttle toward the enemy target. I observed that it was constantly jittering as I moved carefully with it, going back/left/right without my explicit instructions. The movement was so massive that it could have been Athena performing her own move orders without my assistance.

Game in question: Multiplayer B1518157 30 on Otago 1.4

Fix this issue since it breaks the purpose of Athena, which is to spy on the enemy.
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2 years ago
there is this switch to turn off strafe, like wing shaped in its buttons, i have my athenas always cloaked, never land, no strafe and highest prio
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2 years ago
It didn't have strafe activated
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2 years ago
if it wants to land it finds a spot. maybe it was this.
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as i play often with athena, other than its steering as a fkn barge no other issues found when strafe and autoland is off and i do preciese weaving near units with it
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2 years ago
It wasn't about landing, it wasn't about automatic side movement selected in the control pannel.
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2 years ago
gotta take a look, what you say never happened to me
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2 years ago
that attena didnt wobble much, you placed it on a hill and it backed a little, nice skuttle play btw, tho sudve go for singus and telepotr more skuttles. they ramain cloak in jump so its versitile like that
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