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Title: BIG TEAMS: Newbies welcome!
Host: CZrankHydrogen
Game version: Zero-K v1.0.5.4
Engine version: 88.0
Battle ID: 75164
Started: 12 years ago
Duration: 52 minutes
Players: 10
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 34.5%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 65.5%


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12 years ago
crazy game...

example that DEFENCE only is soo useless and FAIL. this is adressed at optimus_ky, who has a particular defence-like playstyle (you can play like this, no offences, but this fits more for chicken games, not vs humans). you might(but not neccessarily) block enemy movement but strongly rely on your allies to win the battle for you (which failed here). anyway he stopped my advancement -.-

but now about the battle itself.
example of use of 4-6 tremors against massive shields with no effect. shileds didnt go down over long time, but finally i simply razed the singularity inside the blubb with a mini-nuke. i failed several times with skuttle and emp/nuke missles too! a must-see!

anyway, my team did much better than me or should i say, the enemy team failed hard to win a almost won battle and the tide turned!

yay team!
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12 years ago
4 tremors vs 23 shileds: not enough
6 tremors vs 25 shileds: some minutes then break.
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12 years ago
Ugh what awful play. cos spamming krows all game and never using their special ability, optimus spamming huge shield porc with 10+ anni/ddm's on 1/6/th of the frontier while the right flank was WIDE OPEN the entire game, mojjj being uttterly confounded by the shield ball when he could have just gone around (pumping emp, tacnukes, naplam and eventually tremors into the shield).

The tremors were TOTALLY doing their job though. He had 36 shields, and you DID in fact bring them down (and start hitting the shieldgens themselves) with only 4 tremors.
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12 years ago
the thing is, with this amount of shileds, you simply cannot get through with tacnukes only and one silo. they recharge too fast for 4 tacnukes.

i also could not see the back side, where he had additional shileds, which guarded still when i EMPed. to pass shields, tremors, and enough of them, must tare shields below critical level for tacnuke. when it was at that time, i already saw a bigger boom in the back and simply tacnuked his singu...

but anyhow funny, the team did not deny my tremor fire for this long time...
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12 years ago
Never build more Tremors/Racketeers than you need to damage shields at the same speed they regen. You don't wanna destroy them, but have them eat all of the enemy's energy for as long as you can, especially when they only cover a small part of the front. This way enemies will rage even more. :)
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