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Opinions on Logix

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Do so many people actually hate me, so that I'm becoming a problem? I had no idea until Shaman told me so. If you don't like me, could you say that here? I want to know if it really is necessary that I change my behavior.
+6 / -1
17 months ago
I think I didn't used to like you, but I can't remember why !

Or maybe you just have one of those names easily confused with people on my block list..

But you aren't on that, so you can't be that bad.

At least to me.

I've only seen a few folk annoyed with you, but so far that has just been play style issues. ( Eg. they don't want you to play a particular style, rather than you being particularly unpleasant to anyone. )

I'm reminded the last time I dared to speak up for anyone, I got labelled a witch too !

Be useful to see what others have to say.

Having played with you just the other day, I found no issues, in fact, I found you better to play with than others here !

I suspect groups/mobs always like to have someone to pick on.

+2 / -0

17 months ago
i love you bro
+3 / -0
Capable player, reliable teammate, cant complain.

Didnt interact with you enough for more.
+3 / -0
17 months ago
To me Shamans post seemed influenced by emotions from rl and a touch of "i dont want to work".

The cowardly practice of locking forum threads to prevent the party holding a opposing opinion from voiceing counter arguments is something im sadly used to from someone else, not him. I hope unknownrankShaman wont fall further from grace in the opinon i have of him. Liked/Understood him a lot, im awed by the burden he choses to carry for this game. I even like FW PvE more than the vanilla ZK.
+2 / -1
17 months ago
could spam vote resign less but good teams player
+2 / -0
This game would be boring without great teamplayers like LogiX.
Wish there were more like you.
+2 / -0
17 months ago
For lobpot, not on my radar aka haven't seen too annoying playstyle and as a high elo player (though I see myself as average), I am sensitive to bad and below their elo plays. If anything, these bad and below their elo players are making me wanting to stop playing.
+2 / -0

17 months ago
I want to know if it really is necessary that I change my behavior.

I can't recall ever having been witness to a problem with you, but if we are even having this conversation, then the only reasonable conclusion is that you should change your behavior.
+1 / -1
Well, I saw you speccheat multiple times which is a really poor sport. And that vote-blocking described on your user page is pretty bad as well. Sometimes you can tone down the intensity of your communication, you communicate in a similar manner to Firepluk and Hoppili, both were fairly polarising figures. Your behavior was a bit annoying to me sometimes; not like much or anything, but in lobpots, I am hardly ever offended by anyone, generally. You could be a nice person irl, but I believe that you being modactioned is deserved, except for that 100 years long spec mute (1-2 months would do). But it's not up to me.
+3 / -0
I do not play much zero-k in the last few months, but I have spectated many games, and you were in a lot of them.
Your behavior is very obnoxious, at times unbearably so. Like when you spammed hundreds of pings (continued after being asked to stop), flooding the chat. And constantly distract players by talking in all chat as spectator, sometimes giving away information that may or may not affect the course of the game. I know you've been doing the latter months ago, and you consistently do that still. I'm surpirsed you only got a day ban for that. Mods really are lenient. Didnt notice it's a day AND 100 years. To be fair, exactly what I'd expect, but I hope you can appeal it if your behavior improves enough. You need to be more respectful in your methods of communication with other players.
You do not evoke emotions as strong as hate, but your behavior makes being in a lobby with you unpleasant.
+2 / -0
The cowardly practice of locking forum threads to prevent the party holding a opposing opinion from voiceing counter arguments is something im sadly used to from someone else, not him.

To be clear unknownrankShaman does not have moderator powers and, therefore, cannot have locked the other thread. I am not sure which admin did, but the thread didn't seem to be going anywhere useful so I don't disagree with the decision.


I suppose my comment on the OP is that I have seen several iterations on the sequence of events
  • Player A gets into a heated discussion with Logix
  • Player B is baffled by what Player A is talking about until they realise Logix is in the game and they have him ignored in game
with several different Player Bs. More often than any other individual player I can remember, which suggests something about how many people have Logix ignored in game.

As for me, I don't particularly dislike you personally. But when your answer to a moderator warning you about something is "oh I didn't realise you were in the room to see me misbehaving", well, that poses problems.
+3 / -0
17 months ago
Oh he is specchat banned for 100 years, well I kinda enjoyed his blabbering but I understand people could find it annoying.
+0 / -0
17 months ago
The Player A and Player B is description is so accurate I'm dying right now
+1 / -0
17 months ago
I know this isn't really helping my case, but I think what gooseman said at the end is incorrect. Many of the things I say can be interpreted as feelings that are hate, if not stronger than it. Mostly, I say it so severely to get reactions out of my teammates, or the enemy, but I can also just do it to vent my anger. Other than that, I think everything he said is correct.
+0 / -0
17 months ago
TAAAANKS man used to have me muted for the same reason I had you muted. Now we're alright with each other. Some things just take time. Persistence is key. But when you routinely ragequit like you've been doing, you really sully a lot of that progress you made. Try to be a better person. That doesn't mean no funny trolling, since that can be fun... just calm it down a bit and recognize that immaturity (or the perception of it!!) can be harmful to yourself and others.
+0 / -0
If you're genuinely wanting to improve, I can respect that. I wrote what what I wrote because it was intended to be a wake up call. That said, I do not "hate" you; you're merely annoying the community which causes me to be hostile towards you. I hope you take the feedback of your fellow community members here seriously.

My tips on your behavior:

1. Why don't you take your match commentary and create content with it? Keep your comments off all chat and just do some live commentary on stream with a 30second delay or something. Or you can create some YouTube videos and ask 64bit dragon to promote them. If you need help with that I can refer you to people.

2. Don't be disruptive with spamming chat, votes, labels.. etc.

3. Don't try to tilt people or "cause people to resign" after you resign or a spectator. Respect people's desire to continue playing. If you need to, !notify and close the game to go watch YouTube or something. If you're just acting out to get attention/acceptance, you'd be better off being a content creator. Make a troll map, create enjoyable content. Record some funny moments and post them on YouTube or something.

4. Tone down the severity of your commentary. Don't make people feel bad. Remember your first "why was I muted" thread. It's one thing if you want to do some light smack talk but you take it way too far. We are not DOTA and we should not strive to be them. Avoid insulting people, make fun of situations and be infrequent.

5. Apologize and ask for a second chance from those who have ignored you.

That said I wish you good luck with this unique opportunity. Make amends and good luck with the second chance. My role here is done.
+11 / -0

17 months ago
Don't be disruptive with spamming chat, votes, labels


(To be clear: my ignore-list contains over 120 people now. I will ignore everything that spams chat because I want to look at it and
not have to sort out useless comments to get to the ones relevant to the game.)
+1 / -0

17 months ago
TAAAANKS man used to have me muted for the same reason I had you muted.

Funny because thats the reason I have TAAAAANKS-man muted despite me not having a problem with him personally.
+0 / -0
17 months ago
USrankLogix W guy
+0 / -0
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