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Viability of VC with the current engine

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17 months ago
If there was ever an intention to add voice chat into Zero-K, would it be possible with the current engine and its limitations? Could it perhaps exist as a mod?
+1 / -0

17 months ago
have you tried Mumble ? MC ?
+1 / -0
17 months ago
I've used it only a couple of times before. Sadly, that one clan doesn't cover most ZK players so I'd only be speaking to a limited few. If ZK ever used VC I would imagine a whole team-wide voice channel instead of one for just a single clan.

+0 / -0
MC is not exclusive. the mumble server we use is from zk (mumble.domnomnom.com (port 64738)), not ours. and there are also other players.
+1 / -0
17 months ago
My question is still targeted at VC built into ZK not using external apps
+1 / -0