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Odin suggestions

12 posts, 700 views
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I love the chonky, its a perfect unit for the air roster but I do have 2 small suggestions.
Odin -> pigeon
A more thematic bird name for the unit to match with the factory theme. Pigeon also matches unit function (odin bomb is like a pigeon drop, will ruin your day and send you back home if it hits...). Also Odin is a very epic name that should be saved for a different unit in the future.

Shield -> mines
Giving odin cluster mine ability (also capable of underwater damage) would make the unit more well rounded and placate the shield spam critics. Would also give the plane fac a riot unit for underwater things (like duck swarms) and an area control plane. Also fits planes a lot as mine laying is a real plane ability that can help air fac a ton.
Ex: mining chokepoints to allow team to expand, or as an early defensive unit to protect approaches to the fac.
The mines dont need to be too powerful, just anti raider level (a few should kill a glavie) and can detonate after ~15-40 seconds), even just pasting badger mines with water attack works.
+1 / -0
Pigeon??!! Absolutely not. This unit is a giant zeppelin, naming it pigeon is ridiculous and diminitive. I feel like Odin accurately conveys the heaviness of the unit.

There was already a naming failure with the Magpie, we can't have a second failure plaguing the plane fac...
+5 / -0

16 months ago
Pigeon is already in the game.
+5 / -0

16 months ago
I could go for "turkey" or something slightly mocking of its blimp-ness.

I am a bit surprised there isn't more screaming about it. Although it clearly has its limits, it can also nearly one-shot a moving paladin, not to mention any commander that dares appear near the front in an early-phase lobpot (except for those that build newton forts, i.e. porc). It slaughters jugs that try to capture it. To add insult to the injury, it often leaves little wreckage.

Destroying mobile attacking aggressive things does not seem like the best direction to go. Destroying stationary porc things would have been good, if it was happening.
+0 / -0
16 months ago
having it hit moving units depends a lot on luck, you need multiple chonks coming from different directions to kill a detri that is walking (and best to do on rough terrain so it fails to path). Its very balanced :D
+1 / -0
Dirtbags, placeholders and widows have great synergy with this. Striders beware~ Can't say how meta will shift yet.
+0 / -0

16 months ago
Based on my limited observations (all of it in the lobpot), I suspect a blimp is generally better at assassination of large units than an ultimatum.
+0 / -0
Its a new unit, people have not found too many counters to it yet.
It requires some form of stunning (so widows/silo with teamwork) to hit anything that crawls.
Also as a bomber it has: low range, slow, horrible turn and distinct noise (can even hear it from the enemy side, telling you when your about to get chonked). All that makes aa (esp swift/raptor) perfect at countering odins)
+0 / -0
16 months ago
Can be easily ensnared by 200 metal in newton
+0 / -0

16 months ago
I could go for "turkey" or something slightly mocking of its blimp-ness.

Turkey is already in the game.
+1 / -0

Just newton bro, skill issue. /s
+0 / -0

16 months ago
Yeah yeah, I've been making newtons after discovering a blimp can hit a moving comm, but I consider the reliance on static defense to be a step backwards.
+2 / -0