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How do you get power to ban folk ?

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15 months ago
I'd like the power to ban/unban folk, how do I go about that ?
+0 / -1

15 months ago
to ban: send reports

to unban: you have this power passively, just wait until the specified timestamp and bam! unbanned.

time travel shenanigans (level 6 ultimate power): you can also talk to people and convince them not to do bannable stuff. this way bans are cancelled before they happen
+13 / -0
15 months ago
No I mean, how do you become in a position of power over everyone else, is it a job you can apply for, do you have to buy shares in the company to qualify, does someone just vouch for you, are there elections, etc.

Are those in charge paid for their time, is it an unpaid volunteer agreement, how did they get their positions, did they write the codebase ?
+0 / -4

15 months ago
did they write the codebase

The truth would blow your mind.
+0 / -0
15 months ago
If you are trying to get to such position, asking is going to get you on the "Don't give this guy permissions" list at best. Not saying I am any better, just stating the obvious.
+3 / -0
15 months ago
asking is going to get you on the "Don't give this guy permissions" list at best.

I'm thinking of the next person who wants to decide others fates.

I wonder what happens when two people in power disagree about who to ban/unban ?

I've seen on other systems, usually one of them bans the one who disagrees, so eventually there is only one person left in charge !

This may well have the side effect of folk leaving though, if they don't see a fair hand in charge.

Maybe that is part of the reason why when I log in sometimes, there is no one else to play with !

Though if you wait long enough, you soon find some insulting folk that you think should have been banned already still there..

So, maybe banning the wrong people is also causing folk not to stay and play !

I know, its a hard job, I have the same job myself in other places.

But no one complains about me not being fair, except the folk being banned. :-)

In case anyone is curious how long I've been doing that role, its nearly 30 years now !

If that isn't enough experience, I don't know what is !
+0 / -1

15 months ago
But no one complains about me not being fair, except the folk being banned. :-)

IF so, more the other way around, eh? You would simply ban everyone that doesn`t agree with you. As you simply mute everyone that says something you don`t like. You even asked if there is a forum-ignore feature.
"No I mean, how do you become in a position of POWER OVER EVERYONE ELSE". You should ask yourself what you revealed about your character there.

Just in general: Have you ever asked yourself how could be percieved by others?
+1 / -1
15 months ago
You would simply ban everyone that doesn`t agree with you.

I don't.

I'm quite happy for folk to disagree, if they do so in a moderately civil manner. ( I know occasionally folk will be less than civil, so I do allow some leyway, even though others tell me I should be more strict.. )

As you simply mute everyone that says something you don`t like. You even asked if there is a forum-ignore feature.

Obviously I asked for that because there are people on my game ignore list, that should be on my forum ignore list !

I mute folk that are insulting, it doesn't get as far as me not liking them even.

"No I mean, how do you become in a position of POWER OVER EVERYONE ELSE". You should ask yourself what you revealed about your character there.

Well, it can show that I care enough about others that I think I should be one of those in charge so I can stop poorly considered bans, and unban people I think shouldn't be.

It would also allow me to ban folk others have voiced concerns about that no one is taking enough/notice of..

Just in general: Have you ever asked yourself how could be percieved by others?

Since you are on my ignore list, you are obviously there for a reason, thus I should ignore what you are saying here too..

You just plain don't like me and try to colour everything to push that agenda.

Since no one is going to do anything about you, I quit instead.

+0 / -1
The straight answer to the abstract question of "Why are specific people on the moderation team" is "They are (a) developers or (b) somebody who the developers decided to delegate moderator powers to".

Nobody's getting paid for moderating.

how do you become in a position of power over everyone else

But yes, as mentioned above, writing this sentence is basically instantly self-disqualifying. Being in a position of power over other people is not the point of moderation and I feel bad for any community whose moderators think it is.
+5 / -0
Well, it can show that I care enough about others that I think I should be one of those in charge so I can stop poorly considered bans, and unban people I think shouldn't be.

So you just implied you find current moderation poor, and that pretty likely on the case of NanoPirate, as you commented there. It is nice to know that you don`t think making racist comments and being generally toxic is something that would justify a ban. You didn`t read the whole thread either, otherwise you would notice that a lot of the things that lead to the ban happened way before you were here. I suspect you didn`t watch the replays either. So you have way less information than the people that issued the ban, yet you think you have the judgement to decide in the case. And these thoughts didn`t cross your mind apparently.

Since you are on my ignore list, you are obviously there for a reason, thus I should ignore what you are saying here too..

Yes I am there for the reason that I told you I don`t find it fun to play with you. That was all. Very insulting.
Thus my agenda is to prevent anyone with your character-traits to get power over others. I shouldnt get power because I am too impulsive, you shouldn`t get power because you are absolutely uninsightful, arrogant and unwilling to even consider the opinions of other people. And I don`t like people that are uninsightful and arrogant, I don`t need to hide that.

+3 / -0
15 months ago
GBrankEridug: you should ask yourself why there is a moderator team in the first place. You touched the answer a bit with:

I've seen on other systems, usually one of them bans the one who disagrees, so eventually there is only one person left in charge

This could happen as well if people don't like to play with each other (can happen even with ignore chat). Currently there are around 2000 active players (you can check the last on the ladder for that number) and the whole community exists for years. So, for many people playing the moderation team does an ok job, preventing the game going to "one player left" situation you describe.

If you find yourself in the group of people that do not like the situation and find it not acceptable, you can of course stop playing. But if you want to continue playing on this server in team games (you can do and say probably almost whatever you want in a private host) you will have to follow the groups existing "traditions" and "rules".
+2 / -0