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decloak range shape

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14 months ago
Hello people, I have a question. Decloak range has a cylindrical shape. Why is that so? I would guess performance reasons, but it still I don't know for sure. I noticed that when you try to climb piers with Widow it gets decloaked as soon as the unit on the pier is within its decloak range, laterally. Would such a thing be too balance-breaking to make spherical? I was thinking about fleas being basically undetectable if they were on a wall...
+2 / -0
so if i understand correctly you would like for example a scuttle on-top of a spire to not become de-cloaked by units at the base of said spire..

so i think your asking for line of sight de-cloak.. yeah that makes sense but maybe would hugely buff some cloaked units in some situations..

as a side note considering how easy sparrow spam shuts down ultimatum counter to paladins it sadly wont help them be what they once were.. sparrow is kinda underrated imho
+1 / -0
14 months ago
yeah thats what I meant. That would be a huge buff, but at the same time it would make cloaked units more "natural", as it makes sense to decloak spherically. How do you guys think this would change balance?
+0 / -0

14 months ago
Wut? Only the UI makes it look cylindrical... I'm pretty sure units already have spherical decloak radius.

+4 / -0
I am very sorry for this misunderstanding but I was writing from memory. Probably it was a merging of different memories from this game that led me to thinking about that. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to archive this thread if it is possible, as I do not think there is more to discuss. Maybe changing UI to make this clear could be a thing, but I don't think its that necessary (there were no forum posts talking about this in the past so probably that does not bother most players)
(also this clip looks SUPER COOL)
+1 / -0
i was still thinking you meant that the de-cloak would require line of sight which is maybe a valid request regardless of shape..unless i dont understand what shape means? so you cant be detected over a wall? does a wall block being detected?
+0 / -0
14 months ago
I didnt really mean that but I do agree that it would be cool. I'll try it out when I am able to. Its a bit of a niche feature that would probably just lag the game a bit more without much benefit...
+0 / -0

14 months ago
LOS check for decloak would be quite taxing for performance. I'd imagine it can be added for high-value units like ultimatum, scuttle and widow to make them feel more stealthy, but doing this for all units would kill perf outright. Things like cloaked units and shields already are rather expensive to handle CPU-wise, which is why these sort of checks are typically not run every tick but are instead spread across several ticks (though I'm not sure if ZK specifically is doing that).
+1 / -0
interesting i wonder if los checks are occurring for all flea 'can fire' checks? and that with path-finding are the big cpu drain?
+0 / -0
14 months ago
to both those questions - optimisation is a thing
+0 / -0