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10 months ago
I thought Revenants were broken for a long time because for their metal cost they outperform ogres in terms of damage, while having immense mobility and speed, and are one of the tankiest units in the game while having high dps in spite of being a burst unit. On top I used to think they had no counters, cause you could always drain an artemis but today I learned it's impossible to drain on artemis at cost if there are 2 artemis which are either on hold-fire or enemy only has radar in their base. Essentially this post is just revenant awarness month, make 1 artemis to counter most rev-spammers and for the cream of da drop such as a purple star citizen as myself 2 artemis makes it impossible to drain without losing a rev each time. Because normally a single rev can tank 2 shots and fly away and you just repeat with healed revs to never lose any, but impossible with 2.
example of enemy complaining all game but never made artemis, the second they made 2 my 40k army I had to recycle
+0 / -0

10 months ago
Those revenants were out of control. I should watch the replay to get a more complete understanding, but .... did I see 3 or 4 paladins fed to revs?

Insulting everyone including myself, it was a bit of a lobfest, that game.

Nice work with the revs, though. I loved the maneuver with sneaking up on the AA swarm.
+2 / -0
10 months ago
Yea they fed 1-2 palas every like 8 mins without me ever losing a rev. They tried raptor swarming which revs counter because it's essentially gs air battle so revs 1 shot them. Then they tried ettkins but no amount of etkins will deal enough dps to ever kill a good microed rev swarm. I think the solution to sending palas out like that vs revs is lobster + gremlins. Focus fire with gremlins to make rev cost ineffective and lobster to bait and survive the rev swarm.
+0 / -0