so there's this guy:

arspidoraspidorashis nickname can be broken down to "ars pidoras pidoras". not only his name contains homophobic slur twice, he is also spectator cheating
1 level, 1 played, 50 spectated. hmm. you can accuse any player who would want to do that. or you can get all games he spectated (which i failed to find an easy way to do) and see who were in those games consistently. afterwards you can cross check by suspected players' first game of that day and this

arspidoraspidoras' first spectating game of that day. for further control, with same logic, the last game aswell. all these steps can be performed by regular players by publicly avaliable information. admins can do further controls
i got a dumb question. what is the punishment for this? in code of conduct, it's clearly stated that;
>Don't reveal information while spectating, explicitly or implicitly.
will the responsible users be warned or be banned for some time?
edit: he already got banned. what about the players who he gave information to? will this be also inspected or only this burner spectating account will be banned?