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Anyone Feel the AI is weaker recently?

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9 months ago
Been playing more with friends recently and it feels like the AI has gotten way weaker since I previously played and this feels like a trend, ever since the economist personality got taken away the AI took a big hit. But it feels like over the course of more and more patches its just getting weaker and weaker to the point of feeling kinda awful to play with even on brutal difficulty, anyone feel the same way or have opinions on the topic?
+1 / -0

9 months ago
It definitely feels to me like the AI got a lot weaker since I joined 5 years ago. Feels like it "broke" about 3 years ago?

Can't be sure though.
+1 / -0

9 months ago
I'd be surprised to find that the AI is mechanically weaker (although I suppose it might happen as a side-effect of engine changes). However, I suspect its configuration (in terms of what units it builds) hasn't been updated in some time, so it might be quite out of touch with the present metagame.

One complicating factor is that the AI performance depends strongly on the map. For example, my impression is that the AI is not very strong on TitanDuel (it does not understand that the corners of the map are important) but it puts up a much better fight on Reptilian Battlefield.
+3 / -0
9 months ago
Could be just that you got better at the game and notice the poor behaviours of the AI more.
+2 / -0
9 months ago
Testing ai on any map on brutal or bleeding edge. Ai does feel weak

Problems are: AI doesnt build magpie as air.
Ai doesnt grid effectively.(placing E buildings randomly
Doenst build certain units


Ai cycles through units building them even if not effective.

AI tries to run from fights EVEN IF IT WOULD WIN leading to drawn out battles and ai units not doing much
+0 / -0