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Maintained by AUrankSmokeDragon
Last updated 8 months ago
Created 13 months ago
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a simple mode that makes dead units turn into singu near your mex..

warning this is a joke mode and will slowly turn the map into sea

bugs: none known

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a simple mode that makes dead units turn into singu near your mex..

warning this is a joke mode and will slowly turn the map into sea

bugs: none known
+1 / -0
8 months ago
Lowering the range of the metal absorption range and replacing the singu by a fusion would be a little less exponential for the beggining

I am playing this mod with Unit Level up mode and everything was fine, until im falling on unbreakable singus. They have an insane life regen making them nearly impossible to break. And since their metal worth is "1" or "0", units damaging it don't get any EXP, meaning no DPS buffs, meaning still no way to pop it up.

Is it an incompatibility issue ? I can't tell, it was working well at the beggining :/
+2 / -0
this is a very old mod. i can edit it to be more compatable with mods but my priority at the moment is to finish and fix my new mods and get a few mods working that have game breaking bugs. they nolonger need to have 1 metal cost as i now know some other ways to fix the reason i did that. so i will fix this mod soon. eta. 1 weeks
+2 / -0
i met only 2 ultra regen singu in the game i did. The lone way i found to break them was feeding the mexe near it, so it could produce an another singu which i could break, so i killed the invincible singus with singu chain reactions
+0 / -0
ahh the reason i did this was because if i make them have metal cost then when they die they get reclaimed and this leads into singu multiplying.. and this can lead to world ending events.. aka.. the big BIG bang

ill look at the code again
no way around it that i know yet.. if you use this special version when singu dies they will feed new singu.. but now atleast they have metalcost

mode: super singu

changes made.. singu cost 0 > 500

dangers.. now singu will almost make a new singu when they die.. result... allot of shiny

+0 / -0
8 months ago
I love the idea of this. Did a vs ai and it was fun. Could you make it so chicken eggs also are reclaimed same as dead units?
+1 / -0
ggood idea. ill look into chicken mods after i finish my 3 wip mods.. the code for them is 99% done they just need to be bugfixed
chicken eggs will need to be swapped for metal piles and that means giving chickens metalcosts.. i want to do this anyway so they can be added to random unit morphs and build options mods
+1 / -0