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Petition Stopkillinggames.com

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11 months ago
Hi everyone loving old games which require internet access.

Companies shutdown servers, rendering the game useless. There is a legal attempt to stop them doing so. Watch the video, see if this applies to you and your location and be ready to sign petitions


+12 / -1
There's now a European Citizens' Initiative. If you have citizenship in any EU member state, please sign it. If it gets 1 million signatures and at least 7 countries pass the minimum threshold, there's a chance that a law could be made to stop this from happening to any other game. Note that you only get one shot at signing this, if you make a mistake, your signature gets thrown out. See https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci for information on how sign the initiative.
While you have 1 whole year to sign it, there's no reason to waste time either. Make your voice heard.
+2 / -0
7 months ago
Thanks for introducing me to it, signed
+3 / -0
As much as I miss Hawken I'd ask you guys to consider the consequences. Are you asking someone else to foot the bill or are you asking game developers to make a half assed single player mode?
+2 / -0
7 months ago
There are more options. One option would be to share (or open source) the server program/code and let people choose if they want to pay for running a server. Or to just design them not to require a server (I played peer to peer in the 90s, should be possible now). Or maybe other options that I did not think about.

I do not particularly like the game producers shift from selling you a product (you can choose how you use it, sell it further, etc.) to a service (they decide what you can do with it and when to stop using it).

+5 / -0
7 months ago

+0 / -1
7 months ago
(disclaimer I did not sign the petition and did not watch the video but read the summary in the top of the comments of the video)

I think that subscription models in software that try to completely recuperate development costs as well are flawed and encourage bad habits (decrease competition, lock-in, buggy software) mostly by reducing the need to do some research before you buy something (ex: 10$ monthly office subscription license vs 300$ office license - people will probably easily pay 10$ rather than consider carefully what they need). I get why it works, and definitely is great for anybody managing to produce software. Not sure regulation is the best answer, but I really hope we don't end up "renting" everything ... I do understand paying a (small) fee for server maintenance and costs, but this rarely happens.

And the reason I did not sign the petition is that I prefer to just "vote with the wallet" and buy games without (obvious at least) server requirements. But I do support the idea of pushing back against "renting only" and the discussion around it.
+1 / -0
As much as I miss Hawken I'd ask you guys to consider the consequences. Are you asking someone else to foot the bill or are you asking game developers to make a half assed single player mode?

All these things are discussed in lenght in one of the original videos. Pls dont ask me to find a timestamp now.

And the reason I did not sign the petition is that I prefer to just "vote with the wallet" and buy games without (obvious at least) server requirements. But I do support the idea of pushing back against "renting only" and the discussion around it.

I do not think that this method is extremely useful, because (I assume at least) you dont tell the publishers WHY you do not buy these games, or that you are a potential customer at all. I guess leaving messages on game-specific forums would be more effective.

Aside from that, I do not really understand why "vote with the wallet" and signing the petition are mutually exclusive, but you have absolutely no obligation to explain yourself further ofc.

+1 / -0
6 months ago
It's more about time investment. If I sign something I must be sure that I can align with most of the opinions and objectives of the endeavor. There are plenty of crazy people pushing various agendas that have some reasonable parts and some completely crazy parts. And when I buy a game I must check a bit anyhow what it requires / what can I do with it (server dependency is not the only thing which would make it not buy it).

Given that, I would rather use the time to play ZK, which I did not find anyhow...

On the other hand an opinion on the forum takes 2 minutes, so much easier to do while waiting for something.
+0 / -0
Jason is wrong on basically every count. Look at the comments, they're ripping him apart. He is a malicious actor and is lying about almost everything in the initiative. Which makes sense, since he has a conflict of interest. He's working for a company publishing live service game (Rivals 2). Watch the original video and also watch Ross' Q&A video

Voting with your wallet doesn't work. If vote-with-your-walletstan were a real country, it wouldn't be a democracy. It would be an oligarchy. It doesn't matter if you don't buy the game and convince all your friends to do the same, some Saudi prince or guy with no impulse control comes in and spends $10k and the company continues to double down because it's making them tons of money. Your "vote" never even mattered. Try voting with your actual vote, then there's a chance you could actually make a difference.
+2 / -0
6 months ago
Try voting with your actual vote, then there's a chance you could actually make a difference.
Petitions (or more correct ECI-s which the mentioned thing is) are an invitation for the European commission to look at the proposed policy or legislation - they are not obliged to act and have done nothing for others in the past (and I am very happy about that, if I look at the list of past ECI that gathered signatures). When I can, I am voting for politicians, at least those have (some) more impact.

As an Euorpean citizen, I also have to take into account that the European Comission time is limited - are digital games the most relevant topic for me? In case you wonder: by far no.

It doesn't matter if you don't buy the game and convince all your friends to do the same
Should I apply this to other topics? Does not matter if you don't have a car and use a bike - someone will. Doesn't matter if you don't waste food - someone will, etc. Note: (partially joking) if convincing all your friends to do something good does not matter, I think the most efficient action would be to get more friends.

I kind of dislike when people seem too passionate and try to push "their solution" using hyperbole. I hope your post convinced someone to "vote" (quotes because registering a petition is barely a vote, it's more like a desired outcome), definitely it did not convince me.
+0 / -0