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Maintained by AUrankSmokeDragon
Last updated 4 months ago
Created 4 months ago
download JSON metadata of random
now collaberating with sh4dowhun7er to produce the next version

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now collaberating with sh4dowhun7er to produce the next version
+0 / -0
4 months ago
big update to code.. many bugs fixed

yet to do..

impliment units can inherit attrabutes they did not have
+0 / -0
4 months ago
Problem.. i wrote a buch of nice code that gives all units ranks based on how much they got buffed.. but i cant seem to change the unit descriptions. does anyone know if this is possible using defs tweaks?

i tried the following keys:

+0 / -0
4 months ago
WG.Translate is used to get most texts
It is initalized by a widget
you can't change it by tweak defs
if there is no translation of unit's description, ud.description will be used
+0 / -0
thanks xntwsad =)

updated the mode so that extreme 400% buffs/debuffs are 900% less likley then minor buffs.. and made all buffs/debuffs only happen 10% of the time
+0 / -0
This code has a nicer random distribution, affects more unit properties and has support for future UI integration. However, due to length issues the morph and build option randomization are currently not included.
The version above modifies all stats by varying amounts; the version below is set to randomly affect one in ten stats.

Both versions are tested with Zero-K and Future Wars.
+1 / -0
4 months ago
thank you for this the code looks good once its working this can replace the current version compleatly =) good work!!
+0 / -0
here is the combined working code compressed
+0 / -0
there is a new problem though.. the values are insane.. fleas shooting at the speed of light.. units moving fast as lazors can you look at latest version now and tweak the values so that extremes are more rare.

or i can if you want but i havent had time to look deeply at the new code as im trying to update my other mod
+0 / -0