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Ban [ILM]Monti please

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watch his conduct in http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/83018

After being votekicked for hostility, rudeness and intentional bad play, he rejoins, self destructs his units and hurls insults at everyone.

please IP ban this malignant child.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Do not use homosexual as a pejorative when reporting another players trolling.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
homosexual is an alternative meaning not implied by my usage of that word.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You can make the same argument for using 'nigger' as an insult, and it is an utterly unconvincing argument. Words do tend to lose their rhetorical power as they become insults ('Retard'/'Lame' or even 'Fuck' which is so disconnected from it's original meaning that trying to read it literally makes a sentence utterly non-sensical) but homosexual pejoratives are still relatively new, still relatively closely connected to homophobia, and homophobia is still a serious problem within especially the online gaming community. Anyone who uses this argument has simply embedded homophobia into their use of language which, even if they are not themselves homophobic, helps perpetuate a culture of homophobia.

Not a big deal but it is a word that should be avoided.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
[ILM]Monti remains unbanned?
I'm pretty sure letting that sort of thing fly is a great way to encourage more of it.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Must resist… urge... To troll splurge all over… no please… I cant… hold it in… nooo!!! I can’t hold it in much longer! help meeee! *gasp*
+0 / -0
As far as I can tell from watching the replay, you and other players got annoyed at him, were antagonistic towards him (for going planes when another player had?) kicked him, he tried to rejoin, you kicked him again, he rejoined a second time and self-d'd his units.

Not really bannable, he was provoked. What did he do before this to elicit such a strong reaction against him? Where is the replay of his intentional bad play, hostility, etc?

I watched the game before this one: He played fine, over-extended early and lost his comm but despite that managed to come back, made good use of a firewalker and eventually reclaimed his lost territory. By then the whole top front had fallen and he was one of the last ones who still held a line (was even making gains). Other than a 'While you were fucking around I was dying' which is not an unreasonable reaction when you lost an over extended comm he was not belligerent.

Is there some other game, or was there chat in lobby, or what?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
beware of saktoth, defender of humaniity, morale and anti-trolling!
+0 / -0
we kicked him because he dont listen to the team.
If you look at our side, you see there was mainly
long and good playing guys.

He also misunderstand my advice:
[21:37] [GBC]Logikfreak Monti pls take a look at that http://zero-k.info/Wiki/AggressionGuide
[21:40] [ILM]Monti WTF agression gyude
[21:40] [ILM]Monti fuck you i was agressive

I only want told him with that to expand, cap mexes and don´t sit in back.
You may noticed we where missing people at mid.

May 1v0ry_k1ng had overreact with his ban.
But when you play with good players and don´t
be a total new guy (<5h playtime) its kind
of rude don´t to listen to there comments.

I think the devs should have
a talk with him about: "playing with the team".
+0 / -0

12 years ago
to avoid misunderstanding, rename the "agressionGuide" to "guideToExpandAgressively" or something similar?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
aggressive expanding as your main goal?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Logikfreak: He was never banned in the first place, or was he? Wouldn't have made sense.

Furthermore, were you trying to tell him to cap mexes with air cons? Every metal spot was most likely accessible via ground units so that wouldn't have made toooo much sense. (although I understand aircons can be nice for mexxing)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah Skasi, rechecked review and chat log. Yes he was never banned!
I edit by post in that point.

Also I understand your second point.
In a noob-pro mixed team it doesnt matter much,
but our team was mainly good player.

But he rarely listen to advices and hes rude.
King set a lable that nobody execpt air
should start in back,
I first thing Monti do was to set a label:
"I will fuck you all recturm".
He started air

For me hes a player who dont care about the team.
If he simply ignored the team, it would be

I my opinion he need a troll com for a week!
Because of his rudeness!
If we ban him he would feel him like an hero!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
is there any administorial punishment like having useless com for a time period? confirm someone!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
if you actually pay any attention to this player rather than just the one match, say look at the one he played before that game and then take some random games he's played

you would notice he's an aggressive insult hurling asshole
even worse than fireman imo
but nobody does anything because that would be 'mean'
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Praetor, I sure wont ban anybody for rudeness when other people say that person is an "asshole", ever.

mojjj, there is none, everyone can see that by hovering over a player's name or checking their player page. The question was whether there has been a short ban. I stopped caring though. :)

Logikfreak: Ignoring teammates is definitely not ban-able, nor is rudeness after provocation - Saktoth already said that.

Why's everybody exaggerating so much? Is it the weather? It's been cool and rainy here the last few days. I suggest you all get yourself some cookies or anything. Maybe read or watch some funny things, play ZK with chili chat disabled or go out pick some flowers, make a photo and upload it to show us!
+0 / -0
Cool and rainy? It was like in microwave oven.

Offtopic how you say microwave oven is it enough to say in microwave?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Really !? I'm rude?! Ok, I can be. You started trying to kick me and being aggressive before the match even started. You kicked me because I started air without any chance to let me bomb the enemy or even switch labs.

Let's be honest here, you were mad your mate didn't double start front with you.

You then decided to try to tell me what to do, rudely, then decided to kick me so you could get my com and eco.

I suggest you calm yourself down.

You also said, 'Air start in back, so since I started in back, I went air just like you said.' So. There.

Just because you and your mates have high elo does not give you the right to dictate what I do in a large team game. If you want to play with your mates and everyone has to agree with you, then host your own GBC server and shut up.

I think this has been brought up numerous times, but this community will never expand as long as people like you just kick and act hostile to new players.

Watch some of my replays.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
LTrankwolas The 'Radarange' was first sold in 1947. So I think from here on out you should say 'Hotter than a radarange'.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
@the1foricreativeguy Also that game you were referring to was the game were I held south and overextended and lost my com.

You posted the aggression guide after that game. So yeah, 'Fuck You' was in order. I was aggressive and I was the only aggressive one out of the 3 on my half. I suggest YOU watch replays.
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