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Jukebox for zero-k lobby/game

6 posts, 1238 views
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12 years ago
Just wondering if there would be a way to incorporate a jukebox into zero-k. In battle I understand that basically there are two music types one is battle and one is normal.

My idea is in the jukebox to be able to have battle music / normal music that can be randomly selected to play and therefore giving more life to the music ingame.

Just an idea though I haven't thought much past this.

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12 years ago
Sorry I left out that the players could they themselves upload mp3 files to the game so they will be played.

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12 years ago
It is possible atm but only in ogg format thats the problem.
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12 years ago
I remember a widget that would do this awhile back, but can't remember its name (sorry). You could search around the publicly available widgets for a music playing one (I think it played TA's music, likely as .ogg).
+0 / -0
That widget is same as ZK's widget (it use similar code). But ZK's widget is more updated.

Current widget read from this folder:
('sounds/music/war/', '*.ogg',..
('sounds/music/peace/', '*.ogg', ..
('sounds/music/victory/', '*.ogg', ..
('sounds/music/defeat/', '*.ogg', ..
+0 / -0
There are no really free way to play .mp3 convert to .ogg and problem solved. Also size will be smalled for same quality.
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