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anthem's tips for winning at zero-k

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Commanders are terrible. Level 1 of your commander should have no modules and no weapon. You should definitely be using a support commander, because at least that will give you more metal to build useful things. Black Dawns don't give a fuck about your energy cell or lightning gun and will happily eat the extra 350 metal.

Let's say you don't listen to me and you want to have an expensive commander. That's fine, I'm not your boss, but under no circumstances should you morph a commander that doesn't have range modules on it. If your goal is to spend a lot of metal on a unit that isn't very effective, modules other than Advanced Targeting may seem like a good idea, but even then you would probably be better off with a Jugglenaut or a herd of Vandals. The 1200 DPS double shotgun commander is pretty funny, but it has less range than anything you might want to kill and less speed than anything you might want to escape. You basically just spent 4000 metal on a Jack.

Gunships are good. Probably. One in every two or three games, you should start with a gunship factory. Don't do it in large games (5+ on enemy team) because someone will make planes and your entire factory will be rendered useless. Another consideration is that you shouldn't show any gunships to your enemy until you have a decent amount, like 800+ metal worth. If you start with a gnat and use it to scout, your enemy will make a Razor and your entire factory will be rendered useless.

A common misconception is that you need to start by rushing a Black Dawn; this is simply wrong. All gunships are exactly the same, since they all counter all ground units and die to all anti-air units (except Vandal). Four Banshees is basically the same thing as a Brawler, except for a minor difference in speed ("faster than all ground units" vs "faster than all ground units") and health ("doesn't matter" vs "doesn't matter").

Once you've properly rushed 800 metal in gunships, go kill someone's factory and/or commander. They won't be able to stop you because you have 800 metal of flying bullshit. Everyone else on their team will build Razors, and your entire factory will be rendered useless. You should probably reclaim it or something. This is not much fun for either player, but you probably come out ahead since they will spend like 2000 metal on AA before they figure out what's going on. Your team might still lose, but that's okay. You're in it for the long haul: for each player who quits Zero-K in frustration, that's one less person between you and the top 50.

If you are bad, use fixed-wing airplanes. They are perfect for newbies because it is entirely random whether your units decide to commit suicide by flying into hacksaws. This makes experienced and inexperienced players equally inept.

When you are playing planes, start with an Avenger and send it to the enemy base to scout. This is the only reasonable way to keep your teammate from getting killed by gunships. This also allows you to kill early Cranes made by silly people.

Don't be that guy. Cranes are terrible. Don't make them unless you're desperate. They cost a ton, die instantly to everything, and have no buildpower.

More tips to come!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Commanders are terrible. Level 1 of your commander should have no modules and no weapon.

This clearly only applies to team games.

You should definitely be using a support commander, because at least that will give you more metal to build useful things.

But you get a free laser gun with a baseline commander, and enough metal to rush said bd, even.

Don't do it in large games (5+ on enemy team) because someone will make planes and your entire factory will be rendered useless.

Not if you have a plane player to intercept their interceptors. Then you can lightning-raid for fucktons of damage using banshees, gnats, whatever, under cover of your own fighters. Fireman used this tactic to win quite a few games, prompting screams about "banshee is so op".

If you are bad, use fixed-wing airplanes.

A good plane player can reliably wreak a lot more damage than a gunshit player of same skill. It's just that the curve is much steeper and the game is all different. You can wipe stuff out and raid with gunshits, but you only get to do airstrikes here and there with planes. Thus, planes absolutely require and demand you to coordinate with ground forces to push when you strike, while gunshits don't necessarily demand that.

+0 / -0
This is terrible advice. Gunships and planes are really hard to use correctly, must avoid AA at all cost, and you can very easily lose your whole army and do 0 damage.

The advice people really need is build units, advance to 50% of the map ASAP, build defenses there and take all the mexes behind your defenses.

For more advanced players: Advance ASAP as far down the map as you can before encountering resistance, as long as it is at least 50%.

So many players so totally suck at taking the map and just hand it over to their opponent that 90% of large team games end at the initial land grab and half the fronts on the losing side are only 30% down the map.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Hahah this is some funny stuff Anthem. Also it's true...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I think anthem needs to take funny lessons from carrepairer
+0 / -0
12 years ago
good tips.
Here are some more:

Before gamestart, watch out for experienced allies if they draw a line in the middle of the map with a label such as "hold this!" or "defend here!"
Try not to go over this line too much, especially early on. If nobody draws such line, you can do by using the key left side to 1. (^ on EU keyboard layout)

If you are a unsure whether you can wiggle your mouse fast enough, do not be afraid to build some storages. This saves you from spilling metal.
In case you have not yet decided which factory to plop, make storage before factory, it gives you more time to think.

Use unit group hotkeys. (ctrl + number to assign)
Once a unit is assigned to a group, the number will show overheard. If your clump of units has reached its final position in the middle of nowhere, assign them to a group. The small number will notice you to never again accidently move them.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
wtf, shotgun commander pays for itself 99% of the time

please rename to anthems terrible tips
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Baseline com isn't as good as a support com w/ no modules in the first tier.

Best gunships start is BD->Crane->reclaim fac, while your com builds cloaky/shield/prettymuchanythingelse.

The energy machine gun or w/e is better than the shotgun.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
So many players so totally suck at taking the map and just hand it over to their opponent that 90% of large team games end at the initial land grab and half the fronts on the losing side are only 30% down the map.

Team members get personally rewarded for building energy, not grabbing mexes.

So I think it is entirely unrealistic to expect those players to "learn to play", regerdless of what manuals and guides are thrown at them.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Woot. You suggest players to frikkin fuckin' go planes? That.. that.. should be bannable. Their controls are so broken. They do more random things on their own than any other units. Stiletto tops everything in micro requirement.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
So many players so totally suck at taking the map and just hand it over to their opponent that 90% of large team games end at the initial land grab and half the fronts on the losing side are only 30% down the map.

> Maybe because everybody is afraid using the commander, because it is effectively equivalent to 100m in energy, 100m in mexes (moveable mexes!) and 220 in a nano.
There is no real battle commander, and if the enemy rushes either a BD, banisher, skirmisher or else your com and your whole economy will be dead + giving the enemy metal.

Strong weapons OR eco on commanders (except battle com) are the worst thing on BA and make the coms in ZK hard to balance.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I'd say that Anthems advice got some good pointers (especially about commanders) and that they should be followed until you know better(a commander with weapon boosts it's DPS with like 100%, Baseline commander get a 50 M laser for free, energy module on lvl 1 com free up buildtime(especially on maps with starting reclaim), harassing early with gunships forces them to build AA and such).

Commanders and factories are however bad targets for gunships usually. Factories are relatively cheap and have alot of hitpoints(if it's building something expensive like a sumo it might be worth it).
Commanders have a relatively high health, usually got a riot weapon and are usually supported by other units making you lose alot of gunships to kill the enemy commander. Repairing damaged gunships is key to using gunships successfully and building up a large force.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Most players don't have much in the first 2-3 mins besides a com and fac. Anthem was talking about the best way to start gunships, that being rush something like 800m worth of gunships and go make someone rage quit. Even if they don't rage, they may be com pushing and haven't built cons yet, losing the com means they have to stop their fac and wait for a while as a con builds and the com might have e-cell, so eco gets set back. If you kill their fac they have to rebuild before resuming push, that also takes time. As a bonus you get a good scout of their base.

What would you suggest as a start with gunships?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Anthem wins, and (almost) everyone else in this thread loses.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
As gunships if there are no enemy fighters I use banshees and I kill weak units and try to avoid to take damage. That way I can kill builders, mexes and raiders without losses against one player until that player has to much defence and then attack the next player and force that player to make AA. When the banshees are low on health I repair them and as the force of banshees buildup I can even take out small amounts of AA.

If there are enemy fighters I either use banshees in supported by friendly AA or fighters or Rapiers close to the enemy front line picking of Raiders and kiting commanders and try to buildup my rapier force without losing any rapiers.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Warlok's tips for winning at zero-k:
Don't lose
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The NeonStorm-tips to win ZK:

0: You win if you have fun - ignore what the game tells you!
1: Remember every player's weaknesses and what he can counter or not (That means: for most cases just split between good and bad players).
2: Each thing has a possibility of being out-dated.
3: Don't use 2 times (with 2 ppls) the same strategy in a team game.
4: SEE the potential of a strategy against the enemy team (You get better when you do NeonStorming).
5: Use this strategy as long as it works - don't be afraid of using op-units.
6: Enjoy!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
TBH, there have been times where anthem and I will do the something 2 or more times in the same host, in the same session. Some people just don't know what a razor kiss is.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Razzor survives, but fail to protect what it should .. sometimes ..
+0 / -0