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Overdrive as a system to reward good players?

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12 years ago
Have you killed some enemy mexes?
* Metal from overdrive rewards you (50-100 m) as soon as it is available.

Have you killed more metal in units from enemies than you have lost?
* The system rewards you as soon as it can ( 10% of the difference ).

Do you charge allied shields? -> reward to up to 300m per shield - for the fusions required to power those!

Built more energy?
* everything that is not used by the points above is shared to the whole team
* energy tycoons count as two players, until they got 120% cost through the second share.

Yes, it takes a long time to pay back for energy-tycoon-players, but isn't it a reward to sit behind the team and don't have to fight too?

When you build defense you get 30% (of the defense's cost) liabilities in relation to the OD-system.
- During defenses make cost (up to 200%) you get 50% credits
* This rewards units over really stupid porc bases.

Would you like such a relatively simple solution or prefer the current system?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Its hard to put cost on such things and im afriad with such prices the system would owe to every player more than OD could produce..
+0 / -0

12 years ago
it's an ugly hack. just like the current system is; attempting to solve social problems with contrived technical solutions.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
How resources are distributed by technical means IS a social issue. #occupyzero-k
+0 / -0
12 years ago
CZrankAdminLicho: as soon as it is available

EErankAdminAnarchid: Nobody wants to judge and play moderator, because you know what happens if a mod "abuse" his rights. So we need a system which cannot abuse rights and do what is best for 99% of the cases (including chicken games).

At least our system is transparent and there are no invisible bribes like in the real world.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I propose another thing. Each player on a team should have a block button that would restrict metal flow to one of the team's players. The idea is that if A thinks B is wasting M on useless shit, he can mark B in player list to restrict his metal (or OD) quota. Math should be simple:

At the start each player has x[i]=N shares of metal income, where N is the number of players on a team.

If a player blocks i'th player, apply following math:
x[i] -= 1
Blocking another player cancels previous blocks (only 1 player can be blocked)

M income of i'th player is calculated based on formula:
income[i] = Total * x[i] / (sum(x))

Therefore, a player totally misbehaving will get about no metal at all (1/N^2 metal share, which is about 1/16'th for a 4 player team), and will therefore cause minimal harm to the team. On the other hand, he would still get some non-zero income through.

Social impact of that is obvious - if one is wasting M on useless shit at the back or suiciding units, the team can just deprive him of metal supply, reducing the harm caused, and forcing to reclaim (which is more productive then sitting at back and leeching M).

To limit the abuse capability of this system it would make sense to enable it only after 5 minutes ingame. Since the scaling is quadratic and not linear, 1-2 votes will not change your income dramatically anyway. And also, reclaim is yours 100%, so if you do not spend team's metal correctly you'll just have to stick to reclaiming (which promotes good gameplay).
+0 / -0
Every neeb would think that he is teh uber pro and block everyone else
+0 / -0
another spr?ng... ban them all!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
>another spr?ng... ban them all!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
As one of the original spr?ng's, he is permitted.

Also, Epic God Mod.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The block button would bring much more evil than good.

1. Every noob would block some random player because "less metal for him, more metal for me".
2. Every porcspammer would block every good player who dared to tell him to stop porcing in corner.
3. A group of trolls could block every teammate that is not in their group.
4. In 2v2 a player could block his teammate and instantly get 2/3 share of team metal instead of standard 1/2.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
you guys did not even read the math? a group of trolls can not block a good player, cuz they do not have significant number of votes. and if a troll blocks someone and that someone blocks the troll in return both of them will have less metal, but not significantly less. and as i said, reclaim is always yours.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
we need a system that can't be blamed because WE WANT THE MATH it HAS.

So stop thinking about votes (more stuff newbes don't understand) and think about something that runs in the background.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Well Kitty, I've got something in mind, its not perfect but...

IMHO, usefulness/metal ratio on the units is a good indicator. Basically, the higher is the ratio, the more M you get. now usefulness U is defined as follows:

U = (enemy cost destroyed (how much all enemy units killed by player cost) + metal cost shared + total energy excess * overdrive conversion ratio) / (Metal spent)

Therefore if we define total team usefulness W=sum(U_i), we can calculate the per-player share as follows:
S_i = (U_i + C*W)/(W +N*C*W), where N is the number of players, and C=0.1 (to allow useless players build something at back)

This way energy tycoons get rewarded in the same way as players fighting at front, and reclaiming/sharing is also rewarded. Sitting at back and not doing anything useful will eventually leave you with almost no income at all.
In fact, assuming you deal no damage and OD is not running, N = 4,
when about 3000 metal is destroyed you will get S


0.76 metal income, which is just about what you deserve, while other 3 players (assuming they did 1K usefulness each) will get about S = 0.309 metal income share.

If you excess 50 E/s and OD rate is 110%, you will get about 5 usefulness/second income, which is equivalent to killing a 300 M unit every minute.(I am not certain it is enough though...)

If and when the player's M storage is full, his usefulness is assumed to be zero, so he gets a minimal share only. This is needed to stabilize the system so that the excess metal is not counted as actual usefulness.
Excess metal is distributed using the same system during next frame.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
+0 / -0

12 years ago
If and when the player's M storage is full, his usefulness is assumed to be zero, so he gets a minimal share only. This is needed to stabilize the system so that the excess metal is not counted as actual usefulness.

So this is how useless players who make lots of storages will be perceived as useful...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
That would not happen as putting metal into storages is actually increasing your metal spent (as it is in fact taken from the distributor system). Therefore just storing M is the clearest way to get yourself into the no-income case.

U = (enemy cost destroyed (how much all enemy units killed by player cost) + metal cost shared + total energy excess * overdrive conversion ratio) / (Metal spent)

Therefore if we define total team usefulness W=sum(U_i), we can calculate the per-player share as follows:
S_i = (U_i + C*W)/(W +N*C*W), where N is the number of players, and C=0.1 (to allow useless players build something at back)

Assume there are 2 players, one making 6x bandits and one making 5x storage (both spent 500 metal). Now bandits rape another 6 bandits. See how metal is distributed:


(500 + 0 + 0 +0)/500




W=U_1 + U_2 = 1.0

Now the metal share distribution:





As you can see the useful player is getting almost 90% of the metal income. You can tune the throttling of the useless guy with coefficient C, the larger it is the less noticeable the results of the system. I suppose it would need to be established experimentally. I personally in first 3 min would put C at about 0.5 to keep the start smooth and allow eco players to have some extra M for expansion. And then C can be decreased to about 0.1 to keep really useless people from causing harm by sacrificing swarms of units to napalm.

+0 / -0