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Dynasty about to win planetwars!

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Machines are losing planets at the rate 3/day, dynasty only needs couple more planets to claim victory, machines and imperial remnants are the only forces trying to slow them down while all the humanity sits down passively like a herd of sheeps.

Is this really how it ends? Do all other factions really want to be enslaved by those self-declared dukes and genetically improved barons?

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+0 / -0
12 years ago
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12 years ago
all the devs are in machines -- show them your appreciation by crushing them mercilessly!
+0 / -0


(t-shirt not included)
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12 years ago
Love the Dune refrence.... Licho, you shall now be nicked Erasmus. You should read the Butlerian Jihan, I just finished it and it's a blast. I think PW would benifit from some Dune lore.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Wow I did not know that I am genetically improved. I was kinda thinking that my barons are not genetically improved... But hey, that just means they are even more awesome!
Guys, I understand that Dynasty is a faction of trolls, but trolling Licho personally is uncool.
+0 / -0
lol @ proposal of Dynasty to LH:

"Okay, you get 5 out of 10 their original planets. Pick the ones you like=)


you can balance metal values by selling buildings if you find this offer unfitting

anyway we will start raging at them in 150 turns, if the PW clock moves...

Deal. Meanwhile, if we get one of those we'll dump you the IP."

How does LH dare to think about such things? We have a non-agression pact. You are traitors just as Dynasty is. One blaggard of dirt.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
CArankneedforsleep fucked up big time. Those worlds were worth way, way less than the ships and bombers they gave Dynasty. Worlds are worth almost nothing. I didn't seriously think they'd accept it, but with me being deathy sick since Friday I haven't been running diplomacy and there is nobody around to make counter-offers to cyber. That treaty there was a complete farce, cyber got badly ripped off.
+0 / -0
@[i]burp, your faction made this treaty not with LH. the responsible person isnt even member of LH any more. plz inform yourself at http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/3286
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If you let a traitor enter one of your leading positions you should live with the consequences ;P
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12 years ago
so you mean hack the faulty database and correct it?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I love the "hack the database" part=) Please go ahead! Just don't catch a ban while you are at it.
Seriously, this whole deal with timed treaties is just not making any sense. It is nice and useful for trade (as in pay off over certain number of turns), but makes no sense strategically. Timed ceasefires/alliances/pacts are so exploitable that it is just insane. It was proven enough times I suppose.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
but i have a feature request for PW.

find a way to communicate save only with selected personal about interfaction communication.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
+1 on diplomatic mail. I think KR's diplo notes are nice, yet them being public kinda limits their applicability.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
A rather excessively dramatic thread title.

Dynasty looks to have a significant advantage if left unchecked, but at the moment they only have 60% of a conquest victory.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Lucky, being excessively dramatic is the Machines' motto these days. And here I was thinking that machines do not have self-preservation instincts. Apparently they do=) Btw, are you coming back to PW?
+0 / -0
I must say the screaming pitch of machines' "omg dynasty pwnt us" rhetoric has went down since the initial phases of Liberty Strike.

They must be getting weary. Even metal can crack under fatigue.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I would not be so sure. Machines have proven to be one of the toughest factions to beat in PW, and this war is far from over. I anticipate them to porc down on their eco worlds within next 100 turns or so, and it will be supremely difficult to smoke them out. On the other hand, it means more reason to build a galaxy compressor!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I don't think I'll be playing again soon. Mostly right now I am playing lots of GW2 dungeons/PvP/WvWvW with my housemates.

I'll be playing again once I get bored of that and/or if/when I sense ZK starts heading in a serious direction again.
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