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Very easy chickens

By Skasi
A small colony of chickens has set up and starts hatching. Take care of the plague!

Players: 1
Map: Chicken_Nuggets_v4
Created:14 years ago
Played: 31164 times
Rated: 284 times
Rating: Your vote:
Difficulty: Your vote:

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14 years ago
how did this get the 2nd most played mission?
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14 years ago
for my first game, i found this quite tricky. the chickens and other animals come at you in waves. i may have started them attacking by destroying something of theirs tho
+0 / -0
14 years ago
Good job man.
I like Zero-K a lot
The best way to learn sure
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14 years ago
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14 years ago
Fun, played it about 5 times before I won. When I won I killed the big scorpion type thing (pincher?), but I know there were still about 8 roosts remaining. Not sure why the game ended and I declare winner?
+0 / -0

14 years ago
That was the queen, you win if you kill it :)
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14 years ago
Excelente juego para principiantes, aprenderan a construir y defenderse.
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14 years ago
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13 years ago
Dont even worry about killing there spawns, just build up defeneses and hold out for queen. Just focus alot on energy and metal early to get the larger long range guns to hold off the lobbers and other big guys
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13 years ago
very easy chicken :)
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
speak here anybody german
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13 years ago
spricht hier jemand deutsch
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13 years ago
parle vou allemange
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13 years ago
ja ich! Kann ich dir helfen?
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13 years ago
Hallo, ganz frischer Frischling hier.
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13 years ago
Dann soltest du erstmal die Tutorial Map spielen. Aber in diesen mod geht es um das verteidigen deiner basis gegen Aliens. Du musst alle wellen von Aliens überleben und am schluss gegen ein Endboss (Riesen-Alien) kämpfen. Wen du ihn besigt hast, hast du gewonnen. :D
+0 / -0
E ai galera, vamos ver até onde essa bosta vai, to ficando puto com esses polaco colocando coisa na lingua deles, entao vou começar a falar na minha e ver no que vai dar! Aquele ABRAÇO!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Öhm.. in diesem Mod geht es NICHT um das Verteidigen einer Basis gegen Aliens. Darum geht es ausschließlich in dieser und ähnlichen Missionen, welche nicht einmal die Hülle dessen ankratzen was der Mod selbst zu bieten hat. Nur um das klarzustellen. :D
+0 / -0
13 years ago
kann jemand deutsch sprechen und mir helfen? folgendes problem: wenn ich diese mission starten will, kommt die nachricht "spring has crashed.". kann mir jemand sagen was das bedeutet ich bin neu hier. bei sandbox/tutorial das gleiche problem
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