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12 years ago
Since PW is officially dead, I think a joint Dynasty-Liberated Humanity victory should be announced and the alpha closed.. to fix:
- !exit
- mahoosive clanstacking
- victory by 1v1 24 hrs a day
+0 / -0

12 years ago
PW is officially alive!

There is no point restarting the round until its finished unless there are serious balance issues or changes to be made.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
*unofficially but to all appearances dead
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I suggest having time-based rounds. End them early if someone obtains a victory condition; otherwise end them after one month with the victor being the faction with the most planets.

I also suggest a one-month hiatus between PW rounds, during which we run a one-month-long 1v1 tournament.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"joint Dynasty-Liberated Humanity victory" you wish... why not add Cybernetic Front to that list, they are allied to you, and we are allied to them. Everyone won, hooray!
+0 / -0
PW is officially alive!

No games played for how long already?

why not add Cybernetic Front to that list, they are allied to you

No they aren't. It's a NAP.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I guess if anybody dares to challenge us, but is lacking time (as is common this time of year), we can settle up on a date?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Restarting PW wont magically create activity. Its up to players to pick what they want to play.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>Restarting PW wont magically create activity.

Very good point. However, having a scheduled start and end for each round with some downtime between the rounds will encourage more people to play PW when they pick what they want to play.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I know im new, but id like to play a few games in Planetwars as this game is pretty cool.

Is it possible to do so without it being a huge commitment? I know a few others who would gladly drop and play games now and then, although we are all pretty new.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Would be nice to schedule some matches on forum, so people can make time for game. Mby it would help to attract.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
My feeling is, that PW imidiately lost people playing once it became clear that dynasty is gona win. And I kind of understand that...

Question is: how to get a system, where people are still interested in playing even when its not looking to well for them?

I also noticed one more thing in the last days: every time i wanted to play PW and waited in the PW room, the juggler juggled me back into the largest team room... not very helpful. Disabling juggler in preferences did not help. My Zklobby seems to ignore the setting. I now try to set all to 'never'. Will see how that works out.

An now that I think of it...its now wonder everybody flocks to the largest room, if juggler is actively supporting it. Wasn't the idea to exactly help avoiding this?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I stopped playing when crying culture and !exit got ridiculous.. I want a culture of tough bros who play games for fun, not a bunch of whiners who scavenge for elo

if ZK is ever going to work, elo needs to be silent and !exit needs to be fixed and specvotes needs to be fixed.. fuck it until then
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Meh people stopped playing after they realised half the players of every game where dynasty.
+0 / -0