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serpent is bugged

12 posts, 1218 views
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12 years ago
serpent sniper subs have 360degree ark of fire and can shoot while retreating

how hasnt anyone noticed this?
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12 years ago
Because I love it. Ass torpedo's!
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12 years ago
I assumed this was a buff that occurred in the months I didn't play ZK. Makes them 10x more deadly, and they seem to be somewhat of a deciding factor in almost every big sea game now. It's much harder to chase them down with a pack of snakes or hunters as they can take down at least 1 or 2 units while running.

There was a game where Wolas and I both had 7 or 8 serpents in dueling packs... great fun.
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12 years ago
I like it too. The serpants are expensiv and with that 360° ark they do their price.
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12 years ago
Honestly, I think all units should have the full firing arc in one form or another. Limited firing arcs are a tedious feature that ZK doesn't really need.
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12 years ago
360degree ark makes serpents unkillable, they can run away and torp the ships chasing them to death

if you want 360 degree ark then serpents should be the slowest ships in the game so they are not op...
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12 years ago
I believe they are currently slower than snakes and hunters by a small margin - it may make sense to increase the difference to compensate for firing arc / ease of micro.
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12 years ago
you failed to mention that they have instagib damage, aimbot accuracy, and twice the range of anything that could eved hope to attack it(exept prec bombers)
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I played some watergames and my problem with serpands was allways that they are to slow so that hunters and snakes can easily kill them (sometimes because of their stupid wayfinding). So you have to support them that makes them not really op if you think of their costs compaired to snakes.
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12 years ago
here is how you counter serpent. Make 3 serpents put them on hold fire as soon as motherfucked serpent show up attack, then win.
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12 years ago
here is how you counter serpent. Make 3 serpents put them on hold fire as soon as motherfucked serpent show up attack, then win.

thats the only way to kill a serpent if your enemy isnt a dumb ass
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12 years ago
Ass Torpedos, you were fun while you lasted and will be missed.
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