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2 accounts

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I was using this account for team games, and the main one for 1v1
The reason of this is that i don't play the same way when i'm in teams or in 1v1, because i can take 1v1 seriously, while i cant take team games seriously because the only thing that matters there is who has less noobs.
Since i don't take those games seriously, i play in a relaxed way and/or try new things, so i don't play as a "high" elo player would play
This account was a try to keep the game balanced despite of not doing my best in those games, and it was working quite well since i lost way more games than i won
By forcing me to use my main account you will just get a player with 2000 elo playing as a 1600 one, so people will start whinning and kicking me because i don't play as they expect
Also, i remember DErankKlon whinnin about me having my elo deflated... guess why? BECAUSE OF THOSE TEAM GAMES
Don't tell me that there are people with high elo that plays team games, because the only way not to lose elo there is to go always air
If you don't change the system let me at least use my system

BTW i have been using this account for a week or so and no one cared but burp... what a coincidence he started whining when he lost a game against me... isn't it?

EDIT: Ah! And i have seen some smurfs doing the same but burp hasn't whined about them! He's just having fun by trolling me
+0 / -0
I think different accounts for each team games and 1v1 is fine, considering elo does not differentiate between the two.

According to Licho's stats, I myself have like a 200 elo difference between each.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Hm... Maybe it's better to implement 2 separate elo stats for each player then? Question is if there will be someone who can and willing to do that. For me elo rating is not that important though.
+0 / -0
For all purposes you can consider separate elo stats to already exist.
(Because there is a tool to calculate and display them).

So team game cannot break your 1v1 stats and you don't need separate account.

ESrankZeroC had elo 1400 which is highly below his ordinary elo of 2000+ @[GBC]W4RL0K
As such it damages team balancing and makes the game fun for nobody.

Btw account was not blocked, just commander chickenized. If you want to pretend you are a nub you don't need unlocks..
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Numerous other people have separate accounts for teams and 1x1. For justice, the lower-elo versions of all such accounts should be chickenized as well.
+0 / -0

12 years ago

i once was at 1850 elo, then i satrted playing silly maps. do i get chickennized too? cause i try to play seriously in teamgames.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If you want to pretend you are a nub you don't need unlocks.

ok (although jugglenaut rush was fun)

For justice, the lower-elo versions of all such accounts should be chickenized as well.

Makes sense
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Maybe add an option so when making an account you can select if you're new to the game or not? And then make the 1250 start ELO just be 1500 ELO if you already have an account? That way the ELO would be on the intended level way faster for these players.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
BTW, is chicken comm supposed not to be able to build solars and some other buildings? Bug or trolly feature?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
solars are for pros.
+0 / -0
Don't tell me that there are people with high elo that plays team games, because the only way not to lose elo there is to go always air
If you don't change the system let me at least use my system

BTW i have been using this account for a week or so and no one cared but burp... what a coincidence he started whining when he lost a game against me... isn't it?

EDIT: Ah! And i have seen some smurfs doing the same but burp hasn't whined about them! He's just having fun by trolling me

I go very seldom air, and I have played less 1v1 games than I have fingers on my hand. You doubt I got that high Elo by just playing team games? The Elo value for me is quite stable, keeps rising, it is because in each game I play I try give my best.

"what a coincidence he started whining when he lost a game against me"

Lost a game against YOU? That already shows us that you think you were the best and most important player in that team, when you identify yourself with your whole team. You played these games seriously with your 1400 Elo smurf account - and I feel betrayed by it!

"some smurfs doing the same but burp hasn't whined about them" - How should I be able to detect every smurf? You are just easy to spot… and I don't think there are many more 2000 Elo smurfs out there…

EDIT: Alright ZeroC, let's forget about it. Took it way too seriously I guess - this leads to nothing. We just have different perspectives.
+0 / -0
edit: ok
+0 / -0
12 years ago
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12 years ago
You're not a 1400 player. Sorry. You're just not. If you're playing at 600 below your regular elo, you are trolling, throwing, or taking advantage of a smurfs reset elo. 1400 means a below average player, a net detriment to their team (assuming the games average is 1500, when it is often higher). If you're playing so badly that you actually HARM the chances of your team, you are trolling. So when you do play seriously in a team game, you win straight up.

I can get a 200 elo difference between team and 1v1, and I can understand perhaps a need for separate (or tenuously linked) elo. But 600 elo difference is just not reasonable.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Don't tell me that there are people with high elo that plays team games, because the only way not to lose elo there is to go always air

lol, its true.
+0 / -0