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Zero-K country statistics

19 posts, 1919 views
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It's Zero-K statistics.

Country statictic:

Time statictic:

Players from per time for fist four countres:

Players per elo:

Players per elo with for fist four countres:

Y - players count
X - elo

It's not diagrams. Just cvs tables:
Hour statictic for each country:

Archive with statictic for each day and full statictic:
+0 / -0

12 years ago
What does the x-axis represent? Total players, total hours played, Players in the last year, hours played in the last year?
+0 / -0
He implied the bars represent the number of players (probably accounts though) before posting it.

Edit: Licho said they are player games.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Also it counted spectators, we need new graphjob
the data are here http://zero-k.info/temp/countries.zip
+0 / -0
Why does US have so many player minutes but so few representing on the top 50? ;_;

US, I am disappoint.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
They all BA?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
That's why.
+0 / -0
Those guys tend to just play in private 1v1s all the time, so I'm not sure how good they really are.

More detailed stats image: from Licho's data

Note that I was assuming it was games. If it is players then I'm not sure if the numbers are login times or something else.
+0 / -0
I add time diagram. But I don't know what time zone on server.
Time UTC

Edit: I fixed country diagram.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
can you write into the images what the axis mean? this would be helpful...
+0 / -0
> can you write into the images what the axis mean? this would be helpful...
'players per month' means counst of players that play games per month.

Edit: argh. I think I write not clear. It's defficult to explain, becouse my english not good.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What "time" are you using for the "hour" axis? UTC?
+0 / -0
> What "time" are you using for the "hour" axis? UTC?
Yes. UTC

> Why does US have so many player minutes but so few representing on the top 50? ;_;
See it!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Oh on a sidenote. A while ago i noticed screenshots of unit stats vs each other. is there a public page for viewing those?
+0 / -0
is there a public page for viewing those?

http:// planet-wars.eu/ModStats/

Edit Don't make a clickable link.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Do one with zero-K players per capita.

The first one (country statistic) tells us little about how popular ZK is in those countries - US has the most players because it's bigger population wise, but I bet ZK is more popular (more players per population) in Poland and Denmark and other Europe.
+0 / -0
"Players from per time for first four countries"

Thanks for making that. I'd been wondering about exactly that recently.

Interesting to see that ZK's "day" begins and ends at about 0930 UTC.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The time tables are missing player numbers from 0 till 1 o' clock.
+0 / -0
> The time tables are missing player numbers from 0 till 1 o' clock.
It's just one hour.
I take player count only per hour. For example: I don't caluclate player count on 12:30, only 12:00 and 13:00.
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