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Too much smurfing

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I have the feeling smurfing has increased a lot lately. I can tell for sure about quite a lot of smurfs. Its so easy to spot them.. playing very well in their first or second game with 1200 Elo. Then asking why they already have all maps, they say that they downloaded some 1500 maps mappack. Of course they don't even really deny that they do smurf.

One very funny occasion was this: some smurf referred to me as in "you always do that", though his account was just 2 days old and I've played my first game with him together in this time.

What makes you smurf? I simply don't get it. If you wanted to win without resistance then play against CAI. If you win a game by smurfing you basically win by cheating. You cheat your whole team. They might think that they did particularly well. Maybe even making them think their bad tactic is good, when it is really not. You spoil everyone by doing it!

PS: I love the smurfs that complain about me complaining about smurfs the most.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i 100% agree. its ruining the game by imbalancing it and lets be honest, u have to be really sad to make a smurf account. is it coz there sore losers? who knows but we need to desmurf them lets go smurf hunting! :P
+0 / -0
12 years ago
maybe players feel it is akward to be seen playing 8v8 in "newbies welcome" ;)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Either chase down the smurfs, or completely remove ELO system.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
We could also manually adjust elo
+0 / -0
I love that burp loves when smurfs complain about him complaining about smurfs
Why do I smurf?
To make a clear differentiation between noobteamgames and serious 1v1 because
those teamgames are so random that don't play them seriously, i just play for fun (weird tactics and rushes for instance)
You are complaing about smurfs, but i haven't seen you complaining about dota/silly maps players, they fuck elo in the same way...
I'll stop smurfing when we get a different elo for each kind of game... playing big teamgames with high elo is a pain, i think my bigteamgames elo is about 1650
+0 / -0

12 years ago
TickMan: fail.
+0 / -0
i think my bigteamgames elo is about 1650

The stats licho made about team-vs-duel elo seem to indicate your all-games elo is actually higher than your duel elo.

Though, i believe that's where the stats stopped being accurate, because "all games" also includes ffa and such.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I love that burp loves when smurfs complain about him complaining about smurfs
Why do I smurf?
To make a clear differentiation between noobteamgames and serious 1v1 because
those teamgames are so random that don't play them seriously, i just play for fun (weird tactics and rushes for instance)
You are complaing about smurfs, but i haven't seen you complaining about dota/silly maps players, they fuck elo in the same way...
I'll stop smurfing when we get a different elo for each kind of game... playing big teamgames with high elo is a pain, i think my bigteamgames elo is about 1650

This. Altough I'm currently not using an alternate account the current system can be quite annoying. I've won most of my ELO with playing 1vs1 games or 2vs2 small games, but lately I'm playing more big games like 6vs6 and it's really a completely different ballpark. I now often get like two coms because I'm a decent 1vs1 player and then I somehow have to be able to use two coms/facs effectively on large maps while I'm more specialised in smaller games on smaller maps.

I believe that TickMan's/Warlock''s use of his alternate account is justified because of that because he uses one solely for 1vs1/serious games and the other one for big teamgames where he's not always being mr. serious. Of course when he just created the account it was a bit odd since he started with 1250 ELO but at level 18 I think his ELO has pretty much stabalized and his playing style seems to be in fact worth 1650ELO for team games, which means that he makes up for having one inadept player in the team, in the contrary to "Warlock" who would make up for having like 3 inadept players in his team. TickMan however in no way makes up for 3 inadept players because quite likely he won't be of much use due to a silly tactic that doesn't work out. I'd even dare to say that altough Warlock has like 2,000 ELO in a big team game I weigh in about as much as TickMan as our ELO's suggest.

A way to soften this problem would be too have an option when you are making account to chose it's a "Smurf" account and then maybe having that account not have 1250 starting ELO but 1500 starting ELO or something so that the ELO get's to the intended level faster. This might also allow people to see who is a Smurf. I believe most Smurf's don't have a smurf because they want to have easy wins but because they might want to try a different play still in a comfortable way without having the stress of high ELO because when you have high ELO you MUST make up for your stupid teammaters or you'll lose, so you'll have to rely on tried and true tactics instead of having time to effectively try new tactics.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
I call bullshit that a 2k player can even play at a 1650 level unless they are seriously trolling their team.

But it is true that a lot of these smurfs claim to do it for this reason. I think we should separate 1v1 and team elo (Initially populating from the same elo so there are no resets). I would even say then link all smurf accounts, but my girlfriend and brother (and Licho...) are all listed as my smurfs.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
As penguin says, separate team and smaller games. And also, like Warlock says, separate competitive and lol-games.

Another reason ppl can smurf is to play anonymously. Just play online without others knowing who you are. The internet isn't very private you know.

Now, especially for you burp, i stayed away from team games with this account (mostly) so i wouldn't screw up the balance. Because according to Licho's stats i should be the #3 teamplayer (but that's bs) My team elo is somewhere around 1800-1950 if i try to play seriously. So if i'd join a team room with 2130 elo i'd be doing my team a massive disfavor I guess you'll see me more often in the team room from now on now that i have reached a respectable elo.

Oh, in case you didn't know [0C]Tandstickor


[GBC]llII. Tandstickor was my original name before the spr*ng joke :P
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The argument @Tickman makes is just false. If you have such complaints about 1v1 and teamgames, use your smurf account for 1v1's, as elo does not matter there anyway (except for e-peen). And teamgames are so random cause of smurfs and trolls. Not that much by a bit of elo more or less.
So you complain about something you create yourself.

I am like 250 elo below teamgames-normal by testing Dota and playing some 1v1's and ffa. But I hardly notice any easier way of winning.

The problem of smurfs is not solved with seperating elo. 2k elo players can still play as 2k elo player if they want, or troll games and play like a 1300 elo (@TickMan comm morphing without even plopping factory and die hopelessly Multiplayer B125340 19 on Tricy_Run_v6.1 , and making worthless Newtonramp in watermap Multiplayer B125333 19 on Kappa_Basin_Flooded_ZK-v07, like yesterday). Averaging at 1650 elo.

Manually adjusting elo does not help either cause smurfs want to have low elo to be able to troll even more. Or you have to adjust it upwards but then you keeping the same problem.

My solution for smurfs, because smurfs are made for trolling:
Make it a punishment and restict all trolls following buildings and units:
- chicken comm (so no morphing, but add some laser beam or something for selfdefense)
- newton
- singularity reactor (maybe even fusions)
- cloaky constructors and athena
- nuke launcher
- detriment
- starlight and zenith

* And I am in favor of separating elo for different gamesmodes, but there are already like 4-5 threads about that which I know of and nothing even is planned to be changed.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
And teamgames are so random cause of smurfs and trolls

And not because of insanely high skill gradient between 1200 nubs and 2400 godde?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
no, those players are expected to play as their elo.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
It is an illusion that elo can be used to make balanced random team games. Elo doesn't say anything about the players intention of how he wants play a game. (do silly stuff, play drunk, try new factory all of which are common and legit)
Compare to Starcraft, they recognize this. You have the ladder/ranked games and the non-ranked. You can play seriously or do practise/ play silly in these modes. Here in ZK they are merged. Those two types of games are mutual exclusive, they cannot exist at the same time within the same ranking system!

I'd say assume every player can be a smurf/isn't worth his elo value and don't record results from big random team games. Make another host for serious team play. Planetwars is ideal for this, use it's clan system for non-pw clan battles. Make those games ranked, record results, calculate elo's etc etc.
+1 / -0

12 years ago
As Licho said before, the separation of team elo and 1v1 elo is already de facto implemented. It isn't shown though, and i don't know if it is used.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I am like 250 elo below teamgames-normal by testing Dota and playing some 1v1's and ffa. But I hardly notice any easier way of winning.

This is just as bad for balance as smurfing. You can play at 1800+ level but count as 1500. That's a huge difference. Don't test on an account you also use for multi player, if you take elo seriously that is.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
As Licho said before, the separation of team elo and 1v1 elo is already de facto implemented. It isn't shown though, and i don't know if it is used.

Don't believe what you are being told. Look at the source...

+0 / -0

12 years ago
"It is an illusion that elo can be used to make balanced random team games."

Its the best tool available that I know of. You have a better one? Teams has to be balanced some way.

"Elo doesn't say anything about the players intention of how he wants play a game. (do silly stuff, play drunk, try new factory all of which are common and legit)
Compare to Starcraft, they recognize this. You have the ladder/ranked games and the non-ranked. You can play seriously or do practise/ play silly in these modes. Here in ZK they are merged. Those two types of games are mutual exclusive, they cannot exist at the same time within the same ranking system!"

So how does this prevent me from trolling on the ranked server excactly? I can team up with some randoms and troll the entire game. No difference to zero-k.

"I'd say assume every player can be a smurf/isn't worth his elo value and don't record results from big random team games. Make another host for serious team play. Planetwars is ideal for this, use it's clan system for non-pw clan battles. Make those games ranked, record results, calculate elo's etc etc. "

You want planetwars or clanwars to calculate elo for battles? lol
most players are not trolling in teambattles. And big team battles are the most favorite gamemode, so they have to be balanced some way.

"This is just as bad for balance as smurfing. You can play at 1800+ level but count as 1500. That's a huge difference. Don't test on an account you also use for multi player, if you take elo seriously that is."

Its completely legit, easy way to prevent by seperating teammodes but not seemed nesessary. While trolling is not, as people have been banned or punished in some other way. And as I said I did not feel 250 elo difference has made winning much easier.
+0 / -0
So how does this prevent me from trolling on the ranked server excactly? I can team up with some randoms and troll the entire game. No difference to zero-k.

It provides you an option not to.

In zk atm, it's either smurf - or lose elo without really losing skill.

And you probably will agree, that wasting elo because of desire to play a non-serious game in non-serious way will dump said stat sufficiently to cause significant failure of balance, smurf or not.

And as I said I did not feel 250 elo difference has made winning much easier.

Then why worry about smurfs? Most these guys escalate to within that margin of their real elo in a day or so.

(i'm not talking about ban-circumventing single-use accounts here, but stuff like tickman/warlok and tandstickor/llIl)
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