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[New units idea] Striders and stuff

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Firstly I would like to apologize for my bad english. Im still learning this language. I got some ideas for new units and structures.

Mobile Factory (Only for Ground units)
*Cost 1200 metal (2 times more than normal factory)
*Can move (Sumo speed)
*Got it own defence system (2x lotus laser and 1x defender)
*Can be upgraded for 400 metal and this upgrade add shield like aegis
*Produce units with 20/s metal speed but CANNOT BE SUPPORTED BY COMS, CONS.
*Got 1.5 more health than normal factory
*Must be deployed to produce units
*Defence system dont work while moveing

Why we need something like that? Because sometimes it takes alot of time to transport units onto battefield and this way we can make new units right at front.

Strider Transporter

This looks funny when little transporter fly with 500 tons of Detriment and this even dont slow him down. So what about big strider transport?
*Much bigger
*1700 metal cost
*Got its own weapon (Brawler's Gun)
*Can transport:
6 Small units (Slasher, Scorcher)
3 Medium units (Goliath, Reaper)
1 Big units (Like Detriment or Striders)
*Some more hp than other transports

Thanks to it we can strike enemy from behind so Porc will be less effective tactic.

Rocket controler (Structure)
Small defensive bulding like hacksaw. How it works? It make enemy rockets lose guide system so they can miss. Works awesome vs slashers. It can be upgraded and be mobile units with low hp.

Controler (Very advenced anti air unit)
*Cost 1500 Metal
*10 sec reloading time
*In one shoot it will take control over enemy airplane (Like dominatrix). Licho needs two shoots to be controled
*3 times more hp than vamp
*Little slower than vamp (So its harder to make hit-run tactic)

Again sorry for bad english.
(I think this should be in General discussion... Can admin move this)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Controler (Very advenced anti air unit)

Flying dominatrix is perfection made flesh.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+0 / -0

11 years ago

Nah, neon had technical acumen not to propose the impossible. (hint: ECM)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The Athena is the mobile factory. Not supporting construction goes against the mechanics of the game and there is no reason to do this. If you need to make units at front, make a second factory. This is traditionally the way it is done, and increases your build choices.

People already do not use transports enough. We would probably just change the current transports rather than add another. Dropping striders into someones base is already a pretty strong strategy to be honest and is one of the only thing transports are used for.

Use shields to block projectiles. A missile jammer does not really serve much purpose (Are missiles OP? Do they really need this counter? Aren't shields enough?) and would be hard to impliment.

I don't know what capture AA would add. Frankly I don't like the current capture mechanic.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
But point defense weapons will be possible in next engine version!
(we probably won't use them though)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
yea we definately need new weapons for the noobs.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
We need a transporter which has good hp and can carry MULTIPLE SMALL UNITS!!!
it isnt a good strategy to drop one unit after one. you must drop ALL AT ONCE.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You can send multiple transporters.. its still better protection than losing entire army to single screamer shot
+0 / -0
point defense weapons will be possible in next engine version!

Explain, for all i know projects do not collide to nullify each another, cause them do not have hit-box/HP.

Except Nuke/Anti-Nuke, are you saying now all guns can have their own form of "Anti-Nuke" and/or that a Pene shot will destroy any "weak" shot/project it touch?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
(don't ask me what the relevant weapondef tags are, I have no idea)
+0 / -0
11 years ago

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