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Nano "return fire"

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13 years ago
Nano "return fire"
I didint found in zk settings, is here any script for that? Because first thing I do make nano's "return fire" or after some time you will see that you are helping to build some megafusion or so.
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13 years ago
Wait, will return fire make your nano's not assist allies? Because that would be the most awesome feature I never knew about, and should probably just be default.
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13 years ago
Geez just bring back reclaiming allied units, so you can reclaim junk.
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13 years ago
+1 for Skasi and luckywaldo7

but let us reclaim allies only 10 seconds after a warning marker and if they are idle ( what to do with buildings? )!
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13 years ago
I can see lots of disruptive behavior - reclaiming nub base to build nuke etc
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13 years ago
I can see lots of positive effects. Reclaiming buildings that block exits/paths. Reclaiming mexes when ppl built two on same spot. Reclaiming useless storages and pylons. Reclaiming allied structures at front when falling back so the enemy gets less wreckages. Reclaim singularities nubs build in the center of your/their base, reclaiming cloakers when theres 4 of them next to each other, reclaiming shields when theres 20 of them next to each other, etc.
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13 years ago
What you see as "positive" sees clueless nub as offensive attack on his stuff.

If he does not understand he should not build extra pylons, what makes you think he will understand why you reclaim it? It would only read to drama.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Reclaiming enemy, ally units is nonsense. Imagine some builds something like bantha finishes it and someone for lulz reclaim 1 metal whyle it is in middle of battlefield would be so lol. What I like about zk is reclaiming. You cant fight with porc(i mean nano) to reclaim enemys.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Nobody suggested to allow reclaiming enemy units, wolas. I think you kinda missed the point or something.

It's better if the clueless nub sees me reclaiming his junk as offensive than if he sees his allies raging at him as offensive. It does not make sense how in teamgames players can not help their team by quickly fixing errors. Telling them to reclaim stuff takes half an hour minimum.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Still trolls will arrise if ally reclaiming will be allowed. Good as it is.
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13 years ago
agree with OP for sure, nothing more annoying than a noob who walks his com across the whole map just to start trying to use your nanos to build his junk

also agree with derail, I can just picture it now, I make a 40 strong air con machine to go round and vacuum up all allies who fail to live up to my required standards :)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Playing against the team is already possible and much easier than reclaiming stuff, wolas. There's roaches. There's an option to kick players. Your argument is invalid.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Skasi you are invalid. Roaching teamate will lead you to ban and you dont have any "metal income" for that. But reclaiming teamate is quiet thing and wont be even noticed if you do that right. Anyway good as it is DOT
+0 / -0
13 years ago
> agree with OP for sure, nothing more annoying than a noob who walks his com across the whole map just to start trying to use your nanos to build his junk

We should avoid this by making them low-priority by default.
If you are stalling, than your labs are priorized.

Build them next to your lab can help too - or build solars around it.


Shields are not only bad, but I suggest a limitation to avoid spaming 10 shields at the very same spot instead of cover large areas with that.

If you build eraser next to another or want to let shields morph it should be valid to reclaim it if it is next to another.

There can be a white list and some requirements for each list-item to decide about allowed reclaim orders.
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