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Chicken faction

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12 years ago
One of the things i dislike about zero-k is that there is only one faction. I understand that the chicken faction didn't work in the past, but i have an idea for a chicken economy.

The chickens have prey that they must hunt and bring back to the factory which consumes the prey and makes chickens, eggs could also be used as food.
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12 years ago
posting three threads simultaneously as spam to draw attention is a no-no
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That was an accident. Is there any way to delete those threads?
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12 years ago
better chicken economy: chicken roosts/nests can only be built on metal spots, and the metal amount determines the buildspeed of the nest/roost.
chicken tubes provides energy.
(?)drones consumes m so while drones are morphing, nests/roosts build a bit slower.(?) im not sure about the last thing about the drones but the first 2 suggestions are balanced, i think
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12 years ago
you should be able to buy the option to use chicken faction:

1000 kudos
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12 years ago
There used to be a chicken faction. It was terribly unbalanced and wasn't good for the game. The time to properly break the game up into factions would've been back when the game was being consolidated into 1 faction - go to 1 faction or many factions, but not leaving it at 2 mirror-factions.

At this point the factories effectively are factions.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The other threads are locked

primarily because I can't remember how, or even if i can, delete them
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12 years ago
Think of most games with factions. You start with a factory with 3-4 units, you get a second or third each with 3-4, for a total of 9-12.

Each of our factories STARTS you with 9-12 units, and you can add in more by mixing in new factories over the course of the game, combining 2 or more 'factions' together.

I know of no games with as broad a starting unit lineup as we have. The only thing I could think to make this better is to broaden out the lineups of each factory so you don't feel that you absolutely 'must' change factory against an enemy tactic (say, getting anti-heavy from spider or jumpers vs a tank factory to make countering go from incredibly challenging to trivial).
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I like the way ZK handles strategy, you dont need faction cuz youre selecting factory and at sum there is more than 100(?) units.

But you gave me an idea, what about not make chicken regular faction but make chickens controlable only for Planet Wars®. That could be an infection faction and main enemy to all.
Chicken player on edge could make very little units (easy) and in center countless (suicidal).

Could be fun if done right :)
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12 years ago
I think the factories are more sub-factions than actual factions. When you start a game, the map has more influence on your factory choice than your play-style. I am not saying that play-style has no influence on factory choice. I am saying that factories are no replacement for a disgusting organic race.
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