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QuickMatch going haywire on Linux

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11 years ago
I'm a Linux user - not SpringLobby, but NOTALobby (It's the only one that works for me). Anyways, people on SpringLobby often have similar problems. Basically, QuickMatch (which I have no control over, because I don't have Zero-K lobby, just a generic Spring RTS lobby client) is going haywire, moving me into a game at random, then pulling me back in when I try to leave. How do I make it stop? I don't have zero-k lobby because I'm on Linux, so how do I get control over quickmatch?
+1 / -0

11 years ago
USrankyanom my rather stupid solution is turning on join as spec in NOTALobby. QuickMatch doesn't touch specs. Then you just turn into a player when youre going to play.

Also, I have set all the quickmatch options in my ZK profile on Never except for FFA.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Information passing between ZKL and QM seems to rely on Nightwatch PM. It could be useful if some of that interface was exposed a la CLI tool, by which i mean it could go with minimal help annd be a bit more tolerant on incomplete input.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Quickmatch is not active for non zkl users.

What you are experiencing is automated split and merge .. hese cannot be turned off and have no user related settings - works the same for all players.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Quickmatch is not active for non zkl users.

But it agreed to talk to me in its json-speak. ^^
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Yes you can activate it, its just disabled by default when you log in to lobby so it needs explicit command to start.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I play from linux most of the time (now i write from windows :( )... just install springlobby and everything will work great.
and 2 things:
1.) on linux it runs faster so it`s logical to stay on it, but if you can`t compile springengine or use google to help yourself, rather switch to windows, coz linux is not for you :(

2.) if you`ll have problems runing springlobby, you`ll have to install spring 93.x ... zk runs on 91.0 so download, build, compile, install and then open springlobby, go to settings, click autodetect, then click apply ... after that click browse and point it to /usr/games/spring (the old launcher) and the library(.so) should remain the new one ... now it will sometimes suckingly warn you about desync, but i never get desync so just play :)

btw which distro do you use?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
* I meant download, build , compile, install the new 93.x and then autodetect, after it point the game to the old 91.0 executable, let the old .so library there and click apply
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Quickmatch is not active for non zkl users.

What you are experiencing is automated split and merge .. hese cannot be turned off and have no user related settings - works the same for all players.

I don't think so. This is activated BEFORE I go into a game - often, I get pulled into a room as soon as I connect to the game server, before I even click on games to join!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
This already went off topic but guys, don't compile. Use the ready binaries. For 93.2 use the one on the Spring site:
And for 91, use the one in the PPA if on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint:

Other distros have their own repositories, or they can just run alien on the packages from that PPA, or just simply extract those packages and use the resulting binaries.

If you compile, your system architecture and compile options may cause desyncs.
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