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Re-role of defenses.

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Defenses should NOT create a porc-line.

A front line gives you the benefits of linking grids/shields easier, thus (shields) avoid "weak" spots - at least in terms of durability.

Heavies require long-range defense. With long-range-defense's diameter it is possible to cover (front-line/diameter)/mex-count and thus easier to just block the whole front.

(Heavies and Anti-heavies)

1) Give Anni a much higher alpha.

2) Re-role screamer to (or add a new defense which is) a Anti-heavy land/air tacnuker, balanced to make cost if other defenses already killed 1/2 air units or to finish of retreating 10% hp heavies.

(Energy-Grid - for defense)

1) Handle energy (required to fire) like shield-charge as in (Shields) 2) below.
2) Use the way Evo-RTS handles energy requirements.
> require some infrastructure around defenses, thus discurage porc lines and encurage eco on mex-spots.


1) Make EMP missile cost more, but drain adjacent shields, so spaming shields is worse than a single one, mixed with other strategies, except you space them out and thus enable under-run counters.

2) charge transfer: Shield charge transfer could be dependent on how many neightbours it has and their average charge (not the whole grids avg charge).
> Right now 1 Convict cause a constant transfer of averageGridCharge-convictShieldCapacity even to a single shield with only 1 neightbour.
> I have made a beta of it some time ago if somebody is interested.

3) Structural integrity shields: let a unit glow, but no area-shield
> Such shields could only absorb -for example- currentCharge/capacity*damage and let only the rest pass. Overkill would go through like now.
> This is especially usefull for small units to reduce AOE damage without making them un-snipe-able.
> Remote-shield-projectors on Convicts could protect buildings without making the shield big enough for under-running raiders or so small that it requires a lot of micro.

Please tell, which you like most and if you have more constructive ideas!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Yeah i would also like to reduce role of "frontline" defenses and instead made point defenses that need infrastructure around.

For that we first need to change how grid works.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Making all defenses upwards of LLT require minimal grid sounds fun.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Getting rid of grid chaining would be an improvement. That is, remove the "grid" model and only allow mexes and defenses to draw power from immediate local power sources... you'd have to increase a lot of radiuses (radii) and it could result in frustrating balance problems since you might have one base where you can't exactly touch all 3 start-mexes with a fus while another base does let you do it... maybe keep the xfer node thing as a small, expensive way to boost the range on something a little bit, but not enough to make a huge difference - just a way to grab something just out of range, but impractical for long chains. Annihilators would be far more expensive if you had to build them near fusions or geos.

Of course, this means that remote-but-powerful energy sources like the geos and windgen-hills would be far less useful.

Anyhow, this would encourage clustering of defenses rather than building long lines - like if Stingers needed 5E.

A more elaborate but hellishly-complex option would be to have some kind of max-grid-level for certain E-units. But I've gone through algorithms in my head and that would be *ugly*. You'd have to break E-units up into sub-grids with tricky logic about which units would be in which sub-grid. But if xfer nodes couldn't be used to power Annihilators, then the grid thing would be far more interesting.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Just a wild thought: OD grid stays the same, defenses need to be powered directly (can't draw e from grid, only from local power sources)?

I know that the distribution code would get more ugly.
+0 / -0
Having all defenses upward of LLT having to draw e directly from nearby power sources (OD grid staying the same) sounds like a nice idea to try, maybe better than simply nerfing defense accross the board (I have no opinion regarding buffing arty).

But here comes a question: may defenses be powered by power sources directly connected to other power sources that are themselves directly connected to defenses?

This would allow defenses to be powered by wind farm (as one lone mill would not cross the threshold of power required).

Potential issue: player could draw long lines of wind mills from geo or backyard fusions/singus to front defenses. But this could actually add to the tactic side of ZK because the enemy could send scythes to break the wind mills lines and bring down the whole defense hub (even AA?) (DDM should be completely shut down). So even wind mills lines should be fortified, which is expensive, so players would choose their porc spots more carefully and sparsely.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Well for extending the grid you could remake the pylon into a really small structure (perhaps unit-passable if possible) that acts like a power line and is easily chained. Then nerf the radius so one would have to make a power infrastructure, and now the lines could be cut and players could still extend the grid without too much problem.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
CArankPxtl: it could result in frustrating balance problems since you might have one base where you can't exactly touch all 3 start-mexes with a fus while another base does let you do it...

You could let fusions give more distant defense less energy. This way you could choose to build fusions in a save distance but you have to build more.

And Energy-Grid 2) would solve this issue too.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
For a long time I want to do this change:

- no grid ranges for energy structure
- pylon is expensive dedicated structure (300-600 range) that collects energy in ints range and can send it to up to 3 targets.
- you pick a target structure or mex to power and "queue" link build. Link auto builds and the longer the more it costs (exponentially)
- link is visible on ground texture, so its fairly easy to see where the power source for structure is

This would nerf the power of overdrive, make it harder to cover frontlines with heavy defs and allow you to locate pylon easier - pylons would be important targets.

- ephemeral calculations of whether it is worth to OD using pylon or not. System might need simplification of OD math.
+0 / -0
@licho: that seems horrendously complex, and completly untennable

the DF player in me DEMANDS IT NOW!

bonus points if the links themselves can be damaged/destroyed
+0 / -0

11 years ago
So you want to go back to Pylon-as-only-OD? I didn't like that one because it was too much of a jump. I like the "everything is a pylon" concept, it's the massive map-wide grid I'm not fond of.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Yes pylon as only OD ..
though i would allow pylon to pylon links.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I like how the current approach allows you to plonk a Solar next to a mex to give it a small upgrade... how it scales gradually.

How about this approach, kinda similar to yours: we keep the current grid model, but we define an Exit Level or Power Level or whatever you want to call it for each building. Something about 2X the building's energy generation. This describes the maximum power it can output to a nearby mex or defense. It has no transmission limit for the grid itself, but when it's acting as an exit to the grid, then it becomes important.

Just throwing numbers out - 5 for solars and windgens, 10 for xfer pylons, 50 for geos and fusions, unlimited for mohogeos and singus.

What this means is that you have to cluster more energy around your mexes to properly pull from the grid, and you have to build either 5 overlapping pylons or 1 Fusion must be built *next to* your Annihilator to power it, *in addition to* being connected to a 50-power grid.

It might be overcomplicating an already-complicated system, but it would mean that front-line superweapons and front-line overdriven mexes would require more infrastructure investment than a simple transfer-pylon. It would encourage decentralizing your energy eco instead of "spam Singus and link out with Pylons" that some players prefer.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Well, that would indeed lose the simplicity of aoe. Instead, you'd need to Ford-Fulkerson everything (read: You'd have to show and calculate a graph of flows, not a few grids), and maximizing OD output might not be trivial (haven't looked into that though).

The idea in itself sounds great and logical, but it's complicated to have it optimize e distribution.

Anyways, this discussion first needs to have a goal defined, people are arguing on different ends: OD and porcline are two different things. We need to make clear if changing OD is desirable or unwanted.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The onset of porc is a significant part of the porc process.


Requiring the porcer to drag his power, even in current easily efficient way, will significantly delay onset of porc, while not impeding production and deployment of standoff-piercing or porcbusting mobiles, without anyhow complicating the game further.
+0 / -0
@MaurantKilom - I don't mean changing the transferring within the grid - optimizing flows within the grid would be nightmarish if there were internal transfer caps. I don't mean a complicated peer-to-peer transfer cap.

I mean the grid itself works exactly the same as it currently does. A windgen can transfer 1000+ E to the next windgen. The cap is only hit when transferring power from a windgen to a mex. So the player still doesn't have to worry about the interior of the grid any more than he does now, he only has to worry about the power-points of the grid.

So, imagine we have a grid that looks like


The windgen doesn't matter. Even though the windgen's output cap is 5, it has no cap within the grid. The only cap that's relevant is the fusion. We've got about 260E in that grid, and 2 mexes to power. Under the old system, they'd each get 120E (assuming no other energy drains). Under my system, the power-cap on the fusion prevents them from recieving more than 50 each. So they each get 50 and the rest of the energy must go into the reserve. The fact that the windgen can only power 5E doesn't matter because the windgen is *internal*.

Now, if we had it

SINGU -> WINDGEN -> 2 Mexes

Then you'd be dealing with the Windgen's 5E power cap. Then you'd be putting the other 215ish energy into the reserve while the mexes get 5E each.

See? While it's more complicated than the current system (which, I'll grant you, is already pretty complicated) it's not that bad. And the point is it will mean you have to invest near the mexes/superdefenses, not just building energy sources in back-country and running transfer stuff to the front.

Of course, you could take it a step further and remove the grid and just go by individual power-limits on energy buildings, but then we might basically end up back at square 1 with OD, effectively.
+0 / -0
gah stop overcomplication energy grids... its not nesesary for ZK playability and does not add to the game



i mean do you really want to teach newbies about grid optimisation when it gets to that level of complexity? id rather just roach them if we are using this setup...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+1 to bunny, OD is hard enough right now to explain to new players, making it more complicated will not benefit the community or gameplay.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
od is fine, defence spam is due to weak arty
+0 / -0

11 years ago
If the issue to be dealt with is : too much defense

Maybe the answer is IvoryKing's one, too weak arty.

But maybe part of the answer is also that, as Anarchid say, you can currently build up your porc step by step starting with HLT without any energy connected.

Maybe both reasons enter in the mix.

The arty thread is another thread. This one concerns too easy def and the way to deal with it. The more I think about it, the more I am pleased by the idea of def being directly powered by adjacent power sources, grid staying as it is otherwise (MauranKilom's idea). Licho, what do you think about that?
+0 / -0
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