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Team spotter

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11 years ago
In light of some games I have played recently, a spotter for your team would be useful. Someone that does not actually play and has a view like a spectator but, unlike a spec, can only see what is in the team's LOS. This would leave the spotter to look out for things that they may not normally see because they they are too busy fighting.

It should probably be optional for the team and if one team does not want one and the other does, the team with one gets a second commander. What do others think?
+0 / -0
Just ask someone to give you all his resources, commander, and constantly share all of his resources (possibly custom widget needed), this way player has nothing left to do, rather than give advices or spot interesting targets to strike.

p.s. doubt anyone would agree to do that (often) though, hehe.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I really like this idea. Sometimes I lost all unit, so I just spectate for the team and allocate my resources to whom who deserve more.

I use Ally Resource bar widget to allocate & see resource of my ally..

Good thing is, you are not encumbered by the problem of queueing stuff, select unit, or ordering unit. You can zoom out 100% and see what's really happening without needing to micro a bit, and you can think about how to share your resource. Its fun sometimes.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I really like this idea. Sometimes I lost all unit, so I just spectate for the team and allocate my resources to whom who deserve more.

I use Ally Resource bar widget to allocate & see resource of my ally..

Good thing is, you are not encumbered by the problem of queueing stuff, select unit, or ordering unit. You can zoom out 100% and see what's really happening without needing to micro a bit, and you can think about how to share your resource. Its fun sometimes.

its like playing air without playing air.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
It can be just something that a team decides to do. If you want to have this in your game, ask your teammates if they're ok with handling your stuff while you're "spotting" and maybe share you a jethro, scythe or similar once in a while.

Bonus levels if said person also scouts a lot with micro-intensive cloaky units, or such.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
You can already get that, to varying degrees depending on whether you're actually in a team or just a spec.

If you are a spec:
unlike a spec, can only see what is in the team's LOS

Try /specfullview as a spec.

If you are a part if the team:
constantly share all of his resources (possibly custom widget needed)

Default engine functionality, there was a / command for that.

Such team-spec functionality also used to be built-in into ZK (you could choose not to get any units and anything) but has been removed. It probably shouldn't be hard to reinstate it, but you get more or less the same effect when you share all your stuff away anyway.
As a side note, the team's planes player is often supposed to have the map awareness that a team-spec would.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This is a good idea, however the "specialization" roles are impossible in current ZK player-base. It's very difficult to agree with random team who is going air/eco (which are the key roles in every match!) or even water on water maps... Get a clan and make all join voice communication, so you can effectively command the team.

Primary role of the "Spotter" should be scouting even deep in enemy base for nukes, antis, singus, striders etc. with Athenas or scythes. The question is how much effective this is considering the lack of 1 player at frontline.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Everything old is new again. This already existed in the game but it tended to confuse the balancers and lobby system.
+0 / -0
I am not really sure about the spotter having any units at all, especially high micro scouts because then they are focusing on that scout microing and not looking out for raids at the back of the team base.

The problem with the spotter having no units is that to be as effective as possible it would require the team to cooperate and scout where the spotter said it was needed. Team cooperation is in very short supply.

This will need further consideration, I'm glad the idea is popular though.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It's not popular. I created it many years ago (notice a pattern on these threads, it's often something I've already done). It was called "teamspec." Then I created the "backup" player who was like a teamspec, but when a teammate dies, the backup get his units. Here's the blast from the past:

As Pxtl said, it was removed because it messes up balance, isn't integrated in the elo system, and no one will do so.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
how about a command that makes your units controllable by teamates...

ie ingame coop command, would be usefull.

for example us trolls (who trust each otheres trolly skills) could use this comand to fuse into the supertroll

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Licho said that ingame coop would be desirable, but someone is needed to code that as it's low priority. I wanted to try but it was too nub at code, though if someone is competent here are some of the instructions Licho gave on how to implement:

springie sends /cheat -> springie sends command to "change team to xx" to player yy -> player yy executes /team xx.

springie also has to remember original team in case you want to cancel commshare, and commshare possibly needs invite/accept request - best with chili gui: "yy wants to share control with you, do you accept?". Implementg it that way is easier than changing scripts and adding pre-game command (and more powerful also for nub teacing). its rather simple really, step 2 is just springie sends private text message to player, step 3 is just execute console command "/team xx". doing the challenge/accept thing is most complex part; you also need to move all units to shared team (and then back on unshare) similar to auto afk but thats also simple... +track lineage (what factory made what)
+0 / -0